'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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Topically Challenged Volume 1

Profits From Book Sales are Donated to Charity

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I'm proud to present Topically Challenged Volume 1, the first and only book published in the Topically Challenged series.

The book was officially launched on Saturday 3rd April 2021. It contains 100 news-themed stories from 100 authors who submitted their work to Alice's 'Trump This' News Writing Challenge.

Topically Challenged Volume 1

Topically Challenged Volume 1 - cover artwork by David Fielden

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Where to Buy Topically Challenged Volume 1

Topically Challenged Volume 1 is available from Amazon in print and Kindle eBook formats.

Proceeds from book sales will be donated to BookTrust, the UK's largest children's reading charity. They transform lives by getting children and families reading. You can learn more about BookTrust in the 'about the anthology' section below.

Kindle Copies of the Anthology

Buy Kindle eBook copies of the book here.

The book can be found on all of Amazon's websites by searching for the book by name or searching for the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):


You don't have to own a Kindle to read a Kindle-eBook version of the anthology. You can download a free Kindle app that works on most devices from Amazon's website.

Printed Copies of the Anthology

You can purchase printed paperback books here.

The book's ISBN is:

  • ISBN: 9798714105012

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About Topically Challenged Volume 1

Topically Challenged Volume 1 contains 100 stories inspired by newspaper articles, written by 100 authors who submitted their work to Alice's 'Trump This' News Writing Challenge

The challenge was conceived by A.H. Creed, a writer based in Cardiff, Wales, UK.

A.H. Creed and Chris Fielden

A.H. Creed and Chris Fielden in Cardiff, conceiving the challenge

At the time of its publication, Topically Challenged Volume 1 was the fourteenth anthology released via the writing challenges.

Alice and I would like to say a big thank you to Angela Googh for her help preparing the interior of this book. Ange, as always, you're a legend :)

The Writers In The Anthology

All the writers featured in Topically Challenged Volume 1 submitted their stories to Alice's News Challenge, which is one of the many writing challenges run on my website.

The 100 authors of the 100 stories featured in the anthology are:

A.H. Creed, A S Winter, Alan Barker, Alan Pattison, Allan Tweddle, Allen Ashley, Amanda Garzia, Andrea Goyan, Andrew Ball, Andrew Carter, Andrew Stiggers, Antonio Salituro, Ashutosh Pant, Barbara Hull, Benjamin Noel, Betty Hattersley, Brian Mackinney, Bridget Scrannage, Cathy Cade, Chris Espenshade, Chris Green, Chris Lee, Christopher Fielden, Clare Tivey, D.G. Kaye, David McTigue, David Rosenblum, David Silver, Debbie Singh, Dee La Vardera, Derek McMillan, Dora Bona, Dr Betty, Duane L. Herrmann, E. F. S. Byrne, Edmund Piper, Francesca Pappadogiannis, Frank Havemann, Gail Everett, Gary McGrath, Gavin Biddlecombe, Geja Hadderingh, Glen Donaldson, Guy Monson, Hajra Saeed, Hullabaloo22, Jack Caldwell-Nichols, Jacob Weller, James Goodman, James Louis Peel, John Gisby, John Holmes, John Notley, Jon Drake, Jon Spencer, Josie Gowler, K. J. Watson, Kelly Van Nelson, Ken Frape, Kenneth Muir, Klaus Gehling, Kwame M.A. McPherson, Len Saculla, Lesley Anne Truchet, Leslie Roberts, Louise Burgess, Lucy Morrice, Lynne Chitty, Madeleine Fox, Maggie Elliott, Majella Pinto, Malcolm Richardson, Mark J Towers, Matilda Pinto, Meghan O'Brien, Mehak Vijay Chawla, Michael Rumsey, Mike Scott Thomson, Nam Raj Khatri, Paul Mastaglio, Peggy Gerber, Pete Armstrong, Peter J. Corbally, Raymond E. Strawn III, Sam Nichols, Sandra Orellana, Sarah Charmley, Sarah Mosedale, Simon Williams, Stacey George, Stephen P. Thompson, Steven Barrett, Teresia Nicolas, Tiffany H White, Tony Thatcher, Vaki Kokkinaki, Valerie Fish, W R Daniel, Yvonne Mallett and Yvonne Mastaglio.

Without the support and generosity of all the writers listed above, this book would not exist.

This is the first eBook we've published that has been built in the 'epub' file format, by Angela Gooch. This means the book is more accessible to the visually impaired than our previous eBooks. We will be working to improve this functionality on future publications.

How Book Sales Support Charity

For every book sold, £1 will be donated to BookTrust.


You can learn about BookTrust on the about page of their website.

You can find details of how much money has been raised via all of the writing challenges on the main writing challenges page.

Book Launch Party

Topically Challenged Volume 1 was published during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this, we were not able to undertake a launch party for this book.

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Anthology Cover

The book's cover was designed by David Fielden. The lightbulb logo is supposed to represent the ideas news stories have inspired. The colour scheme is based on that old news-related riddle:

What is black and white and red all over? A newspaper.

So the colours are black and white, with a red tint all over. Clever, init?

David and Christopher Fielden

Dave and Chris, playing some rock in a barn amidst some glorious lighting

Dave was born exactly three years after Chris. To the day. This has led to some epic parties over the years, most notably a medieval feast when Chris was 21 and Dave was 18.

Now slightly older than this (NOTE: the word 'slightly' has never been used so inaccurately in the entire history of the universe...), the parties have gone downhill. At them, a lot of time is spent drinking tea, eating cake and reminiscing about events no one can remember properly because those involved were a wee tad inebriated when they originally occurred.

You can learn more about what Dave does all day long on his website.

Topically Challenged Volume 1 Full Book Cover

Topically Challenged Volume 1, Entire Book Cover by David Fielden

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Duane L H
Glad to hear/read this news about the progress on the book.  I look forward to holding a copy in my hands (paper is more tactily satisfying than a screen - and I've learned to be patient, if not I wouldn't be breathing this long: in, out, in, out...)

Chris Fielden
Thanks, Duane. Keep on breathing, not long to wait now... :-)

Thrilled to be part of this book Chris. It's a wonderful collection of creativity. I'll be sharing my review next week for my Sunday review and ping the link over here :)

Chris Fielden
That's awesome, thank you DG - very much appreciated. I will look forward to reading your review :)

It's drafted for May 16th, but my review is already up on Goodreads. I know my readers will all want to pick up a copy. Great stories! I hope to hop on another of your challenges in the near future.

Chris Fielden
That’s awesome news, thank you DG – very much appreciated!

My pleasure!

Jane S
'Hats off' to you both Alice and Chris and to all those involved in this anthology. I have bought it digitally and was shown the path here by D.G. Kaye. Congratulations and I will leave a review for you. Jane x

Chris Fielden
That's fantastic news, thank you Jane - very much appreciated :-)