'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3

Profits From Book Sales are Donated to Charity

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I'm proud to present Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3, the third (and final printed) book in the Nonsensically Challenged Series.

The book was officially released on Saturday 26th September 2020. It contains 100 nonsense-encumbered flash-fiction stories, written by 100 authors who submitted their work to Lesley's Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge.

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 - cover artwork by David Fielden

Lesley’s Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge was launched in November 2016. We received our 100th submission at the beginning of March 2017. Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1 was released in June 2017.

We received our 200th story in February 2018. Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 was released in April 2018.

We received our 300th story in July 2020. This book was released in September 2020.

The nonsense challenge is now website publishing only, but we are still open to submissions and have already received and published some great stories.

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Where to Buy Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 is available from Amazon in print and Kindle eBook formats.

Proceeds from book sales will be donated to The Daisy Garland, a charity that works exclusively for children with drug-resistant epilepsy; there are 18,000 in the UK who suffer from this life-shortening illness. You can learn more in the 'about the anthology' section below.

Kindle Copies of the Anthology

Buy Kindle eBook copies of the book here.

The book can be found on all of Amazon's websites. You can find it by searching for the book by name or searching for the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):


You don't have to own a Kindle to read a Kindle-eBook version of the anthology. You can download a free Kindle app that works on most devices from Amazon's website.

Printed Copies of the Anthology

You can purchase printed paperback books here.

The ISBN of the book is:

  • ISBN: 9798666732823

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About Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 contains 100 nonsensically-overloaded stories submitted to Lesley's Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge.

The challenge was conceived by Lesley Anne Truchet. In 2017, I stayed with Lesley at her home in France while I was judging the To Hull And Back competition.

Lesley Truchet, Chris Fielden and Kathryn Watson

Lesley Truchet, Chris Fielden and Kathryn Watson (Daisy’s aunt), pictured in France with some lovely nonsense anthologies

Since then, Lesley and I have worked together on a variety of projects, including the launch of the Writers of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges Facebook group. Everyone is welcome - please feel free to join.

Lesley and I would like to say a huge thank you to Angela Googh for her help preparing the interior of this book. Ange, you're a legend :)

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 is the 11th anthology released via the writing challenges.

The Writers In The Anthology

All the writers in Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 submitted their stories to Lesley's Nonsense Challenge which is one of the many writing challenges run on my website.

The 100 authors of the 100 stories contained in the anthology are:

A S Winter, A.H. Creed, Abigail Williamson, Aigbonoga Omoh, Alan Barker, Alice Hale, Allen Ashley, Aly Gustafson, Andre Othenin-Girard, Andy Ball, Angela P Googh, Antony Lazarus, Barbara Eustace, Benjamin Noel, Betty Hattersley, Cathy Cade, Chidi Ezeibieli, Chris Espenshade, Christopher Fielden, Claire Apps, Claire Gagnon, David Batteiger, David Guilfoyle, David McTigue, David Silver, Douglas Baker, F. DeStefano, Francesca Pappadogiannis, Gail Everett, Gaius Rew, Gavin Biddlecombe, Geoff Holme, Gillian M Seed, Glo Curl, Harshita Singh, J. S. Wellian, Jacek Wilkos, Jack Lewis-Edney, Jake Kendall, Janie Knight, Jasmine Lee, Jay Bee, Jayne Morgan, Jessica Holmes, Johanna McDonald, John D Lary, John Lane, John Notley, Jon Spencer, Jonathan J. Drake, Jose Adams, Judy Reeves, K. J. Watson, Kaitlin Ellis, Kate MacDonald, Kathryn J Barrow, Kennedy Meechan, Khamis Kabeu, Klaus Gehling, Lesley Anne Truchet, Lindy Gibbon, Louis Cennamo, Lucy Camilla, Lucy Morrice, Maggie Elliott, Majella Pinto, Malcolm Richardson, Mark Daly, Mark J Towers, Mark Stocker, Maryam Hodaee, Matilda Pinto, Michael Rumsey, Mike Scott Thomson, Munib Haroon, Nam Raj Khatri, Neil Phillips, Nick Nelson, Patricia Mudge, Paul Mastaglio, Pete Lambden, Rajagopal Kaimal, Rene Astle, Richard H. Argent, Roberta Scafidi, Rudy S. Uribe, Jr., Sandra Orellana, Sarah Ann Hall, Sarthak Das, Scott Parent, Simon Russell, Steve Lodge, Steven Barrett, Tanya Butler, Temitope Johnson-Toyin, Thatchayani Ravanan, Tiarnán Murphy, Tiffany H White, Toni G. and Valerie Fish.

Lesley and I would like to say a huge, "Thank you," to each author. Without them, this book would not exist.

How Book Sales Support Charity

For every book sold, £1 will be donated to The Daisy Garland, a leading charity providing funding for Ketogenic dietitians and grants for night-time breathing and SATs monitors, keeping children safe while they sleep and reducing the risk of SUDEP.

The Daisy Garland

You can learn about The Daisy Garland on their what we do page.

You can find details of how much money has been raised via all of the writing challenges on the main writing challenges page.

Future Anthologies

If you'd like to submit a story to the nonsense writing challenge, you can do so here. Every story is published on my website. We are not publishing anymore books via this writing challenge, so Nonsensically Challenged Volume 4 will be online publishing only.

Book Launch Party

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 was published during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this, we were not able to undertake a launch party for this book.


Lots of lovely writing challenge anthologies, gathered at a previous book launch party pre pandemic

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Anthology Cover

The cover of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 was designed and created by David Fielden.

Christopher and David Fielden

Chris Fielden, thinking up things to make Dave do to his website, with Dave Fielden, who knows what his brother is up to

Dave tries to spend less time with his brother because he makes him do stuff all the time. Unfortunately, Chris is particularly adept at stalking him, so it's easier if Dave just does what Chris wants so he goes away.

When Chris isn't making him design book covers and maintain his blog, Dave occasionally manages to find time to build websites for people who actually pay him. You can learn more about Dave's website building at Bluetree.

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3, full book cover

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3, Full Book Cover by David Fielden

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Your comments:

Dave M
Hi Chris, just ordered a couple of copies. One is for my 22 month old grandson. I've decided he should have challenges in his life - apart from me. Each book has a little message in it from me, so he'll get a flavour of what I was like!

Hope you're keeping well. I'm keeping ferrets. Dave.

Chris Fielden
Awesome, thanks Dave – very much appreciated.

I am keeping well, keeping sane (hmm… arguable) and keeping my cat happy (doubtful). I hope you're well, sane and your ferrets are content. Chris.

Heather C
Currently, Jericho Townhouse (Writers' Forum) are allowing a me to promote a link to the book’s page.

Chris Fielden
Fantastic, thanks Heather - you're a legend :-)

Jake W
Hi Chris, thank you for publishing this book! Highlight of my week.

Writing for the nonsense challenge was a delight and the perfect opportunity for an amateur like myself to get some exposure to the world of publishing. I also think that because of all of your efforts, you have successfully managed to create a wonderful community of writers.

I will make sure to do my part in promoting the book.

Lesley T
Hi Chris, I just parted with a few quid to purchase 2 copies of Nonsense 3. Such a thrill to click on 'look inside' and see my name in print. From a tad temporarily 'big-headed' Lesley.

Richard A
Thanks again for this, Chris. I bought a few paperbacks today and I've just checked and it's currently 53rd in 'fiction anthologies' on Amazon (and nearly in the top 10,000 overall, from 49 thousand and something earlier!). Brilliant!

Abhishek S
Hi Chris, thanks for all the hardwork. Just bought an ebook and am looking forward to reading others.

Betty H
Good morning Chris. Got it. Good luck with sales. Stay safe. Kind regards, Betty.

Paul M
Hi Chris. Ordered two books already. Friends said they would be buying this book too. Just to prove it, I will be asking them what they thought of it. Looking forward to receiving our copies. Hope you are keeping well.

Matilda P
Congratulations Chris. Hoping the book does well - appreciate the fact that nonsense is as important as sense. Thanks for making room for people like us to express ourselves. Affectionately, Matilda.

Chris Fielden
Jake, temporarily 'big-headed' Lesley, Richard, Abhishek, Betty, Paul and Matilda... THANK YOU all so, so much. You're all legends :-)

Richard, the book got up to number 18 in 'fiction anthologies' yesterday and the top 3,000 overall, which is fantastic - WHOOP.