About Christopher Fielden

Christopher Fielden Logo Image

About Chris: Very Short Bio

I'm an award-winning and Amazon best-selling author, and an award-winning editor. As a writer, I've been an Award-Winning Finalist in the 'Fiction: Short Story' category of the International Book Awards. As an editor, a book I compiled won the 'Best Anthology' category of the Saboteur Awards.

My long-term aim is to grow the site into a writing community that people can be proud to be a part of.

I'm published by Victorina Press, an independent UK publisher.

I play drums in many bands and regularly tour all over the world.

As a writer, I'm a member of the ALCS, Clockhouse London Writers and Stokes Croft Writers. As a musician, I'm a member of ASCAP and the Mechanical Licensing Collective.

About Page Main Menu

The menu below contains details of all the main pages in the About section of my website.

After that, you will find my full biography, details about the different projects I run / am involved in, and other details about this website.

Contact Chris

My contact page. Find the best ways to contact me: email, phone, post etc.

Disclosure Policy

Read my disclosure policy and find out about the different people and businesses I work with.


If you're a lovely person who would like to support this website and help me to continue producing content that is free to read, you can learn how to donate here.

Meet the Team

A page about all the lovely people I work with via the competitions and writing challenges I run and the writing services I provide.

Privacy Policy

Read my privacy policy and find out how I collect, store and use personal data via my website.

Stokes Croft Writers Talking Tales

This page is all about my writing group Stokes Croft Writers and the regular spoken word event we run called Talking Tales.

Submission Guidelines

Are you interested in writing an article for my website? Find the requirements here.

Cheers Drive

An amusing page about my very brief career as a male model for Beast Clothing.

Clash of Clans AC/DC Base Design

A geeky page about my unhealthy obsession with Clash of Clans. It features my AC/DC base design, which has been adopted by other players.

About Christopher Fielden: Long Biography

I was born in the 1970's, which is too long ago for my liking.

About Christopher Fielden

Photo by Thomas David Parker, taken at The King William in Bristol

I write, publish a variety of books (some written by me, some by other authors) and I play drums in rock bands. The biography you are reading is written chronologically, so it starts with music because that's what I did first. I got into writing a bit later in life.

Music: Airbus

When I left school I played in a rock band called Airbus full time for 15 years. We toured and played gigs all over the world, most notably Glastonbury Music Festival in 1999.

Christopher Fielden in Germany

Photo by Simon Hedges, taken on tour in Germany

The band's most notable recording was the Portishead B-Side of 'Sourtimes', from their album Dummy.

We were based in California for a couple of years (2000 to 2002) and were fortunate enough to record with record producer Richard Dashut, who produced Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album.

Airbus still record, put out albums and perform.

You can learn a lot more about Airbus and my other music projects in the music section of the website.

Airbus Band Typewriter Logo

Airbus band logo by Marc Bessant

Van Man Removal Business

As I'm a drummer, I own a van - it's part of the job description.

When the band became a part time project, rather than a full-time job, I started my own removal business trading as 'Van Man! – Driving Superhero' (the joy of being self-employed is that you’re allowed to think up your own job title).

Van Man Driving Superhero Logo

Van Man business logo

I ran the business for 7 years in Bristol. During this time, I worked for Beast Clothing and was used as one of their T-shirt models (I use the term 'model' loosely...). You can learn about that here.

Why I Started Writing

One summer, I was hired to move a beehive. I’d assumed the hive would be empty. I was wrong – the hive contained 5,000 tenants. Having been given a bee keeping suit, I was asked to drive them to Devon. For some reason which eludes me now, I accepted. The bees were fork-lifted onto the van and gassed. This was supposed to calm them, making them drowsy. Unfortunately, it just seemed to infuriate them.

It transpired that bees which have been shoved into the back of a Ford Transit and poisoned don’t like to travel. I was distracted and became lost. Whilst trying to read a map amidst a swarm of buzzing death, I decided a change of vocation was paramount.

Christopher Fielden drummer in Jinxremover

Photo by Marc Bessant, taken at the Fleece & Firkin in Bristol

I undertook a correspondence writing course. As part of the course, I started writing newspaper articles. Some of them were published. I wrote some blog posts. Some of those were published too.

Digital Marketing

As my writing developed, I got a job working in digital marketing and closed my removal business. The decision I'd made in the swarm of bees had become a reality.

I quickly progressed in the industry and within a few years became Operations Director at Fat Media, an award-winning digital agency. My job was to make shit happen. I worked in digital marketing for 6 years.

I used to have to pretend to be sensible. I sometimes wore a suit.

Chris Fielden in a suit

Me, looking uncomfortable in smart clothing

Despite enjoying my job, after much deliberation I decided to pursue my passion - writing. I left my day job in February 2016 and now concentrate on writing and running my website. I also undertake part-time work to help make ends meet.

OK, back to writing - rewind back a few years...

Writing Fiction

As part of the correspondence writing course, I'd also written a synopsis for a novel. My tutor was very positive about it, so once the course was completed I decided to write the book. It's called Wicked Game and was published in 2010.

Wicked Game by Christopher Fielden

Wicked Game book cover by Christopher Fielden

70,000-word novels aren't easy to complete. Around work and gigging and life in general, the book took me 3 years to write, edit, get critiqued, rewrite and publish.

3,000-word short stories are much easier to finish. They're also much more likely to be published as there are so many opportunities out there for short fiction. So, to avoid a mental breakdown, I decided to concentrate on shorter tales.

Christopher Fielden Reading

Photo by Jean-Marc, taken at the Bath Fringe Festival


While developing my short story writing style, I started working on this website. I launched it in October 2011.

Christopher Fielden logo Black On White

Christopher Fielden website logo by Dave Fielden of Bluetree

Because no one knew about the website, no one looked at it. I decided I needed to develop some content that would attract an audience for the site.

To get my stories published, I had to do a lot of research to find short story competitions and magazines. I thought other writers might find the lists I'd compiled useful, so I shared them on my website as free writing resources. Because of this, lots of people started visiting my website, my stories got read and I started selling more books.

To see all the writing competition lists, visit the Writing Advice section of my website.

How to Write a Short Story

Because my website was enjoying a growing audience of writers, I decided to try and write a book they might like, find useful and be interested in buying.

I've been very fortunate and have had many of my stories published and/or performed on radio or at reading events. Because of this, I wrote a book called How to Write a Short Story, Get Published & Make Money.

How To Write a Short Story, Get Published and Make Money by Christopher FIelden

How to Write a Short Story book cover by Lukas Miguel

The book shares all my experiences and uses my published short stories as case-studies so writers can clearly see how I used all the advice and tips in the book in real life to get my stories published. I also share how much I have earned from writing stories, setting realistic expectations for other writers.

To Hull And Back Humorous Short Story Competition

Because the site was attracting a lot of writers that were interested in short story competitions, I decided to start running one.

To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2019

To Hull And Back anthology 2019 book cover by David Whitlam

The annual To Hull And Back humorous short story competition has been running since 2014. It offers the most amazing literary prize in the known universe. I'm not biased at all. Honest. It really is amazing. Check the competition out here.

2021 To Hull And Back winner's video

Flash Fiction Writing Challenges

In the spring of 2016, Mike Scott Thomson, winner of the inaugural To Hull And Back competition, wrote a guest post for my website about his experiences of being published by Fiction Desk. Part of the post focussed on the 'rules' of writing. Mike and I decided to challenge readers to break one of these rules by submitting flash fiction stories crammed with as many adverbs as humanly possible.

Writing Challenges book logo

The challenge proved to be very popular, so we gave it a proper launch, promising to publish every entry in support of charity. Due to the increasing popularity of the challenge, I've now launched many more with other writers and have raised lots of money for charity.

You can learn more about the flash fiction writing challenges here.

Christopher Fielden author

Photo by Thomas David Parker, taken in Bristol

The Arkbound Foundation

Arkbound is an independent publisher based in Bristol. They publish Boundless, a magazine which operates in a similar way to The Big Issue - helping the disadvantaged.

I first met Steve, the editor, at an event in Bristol and we got chatting about a mentoring program he was planning. Somehow, that ended up with us registering a charity called the Arkbound Foundation. I was one of the Founding Trustees and held the position of Chair during the charity's first year of operation.

Arkbound Foundation logo

Due to commitments to new writing and music projects, I had to step down as a trustee. I didn't have the time to perform my duties or give my role at the charity the attention it needed.

I'm very proud to have been a founding trustee and worked on some amazing projects during my time there. Being involved with the charity helped me understand that there is so much more to writing than seeking perfection and getting published - it can also have a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing.

I am still involved with the charity and continue to undertake fundraising activities for them. I hope to re-join the board in the future, when time allows.

You can learn more about the charity on the Arkbound Foundation website: www.arkfound.org

Arkbound also run Crowdbound. This platform aims to support books, and other projects, that cover important social or environmental themes. The initiative has match funding opportunities available and dedicated support to make sure each campaign hits its target.

Victorina Press

In March 2019 I signed a publishing contract with Victorina Press, an independent UK publisher whose mission is to publish inspirational and great books while following principles of bibliodiversity.

Victorina Press logo purple

In November 2019 they published my first short story collection, Book of the Bloodless Volume 1: Alternative Afterlives.

Book of the Bloodless Volume 1: Alternative Afterlives by Christopher Fielden

The book has been awarded the title of "Award-Winning Finalist in the Fiction: Short Story category of the 2019 International Book Awards", sponsored by American Book Fest.

International Book Awards Finalist

Music: Little Villains

In 2019 I started playing drums with Little Villains, a rock band that originally featured the late, great Philthy Animal Taylor from Motörhead.

Little Villains

You can learn more about the band and our current tour schedule on the Little Villains website and on the page about Little Villains in the Music section of this website.

Plans for the Future

I hope I can develop my website and writing so I'm able to earn a reasonable living from it. That's the dream. I have a way to go, but things are moving in the right direction.

I need to invest more years into developing the website to increase the audience and revenue it generates. Eventually, I hope to be able to employ other people to help me run the site.

At present the website turns a profit, before I am paid anything, but it still doesn't earn me enough to live from (you can learn more about that here). I have a team of freelancers who help me provide top quality writing services.

I have also developed a short story writing course. You can find out more in the new Learn section of the website.

Bored Yet? No? Good. Here’s Even More Information About Me

I'm a self-professed Word Geek. Stories bubble in my brain constantly and sometimes they ooze out of me onto paper. On occasion, other people like to read them, which pleases me immensely. Sometimes I get paid when they're published. I'm trying to make that happen more often.

You can read some of my short stories for free in the short stories section of the website.

Christopher Fielden drummer in Ye Gods

Photo by Rob Rowles, taken at the Somerset Hall in Portishead

Pictures on this Page

Due to my addiction to playing rock music in various bands, there are rather a large number of photos of me playing drums on this page. They tend to make more interesting viewing than me holding a pen while trying to look thoughtful...

Christopher Fielden drummer in ADHD ACDC tribute band

Photo taken at the Reckless Engineer in Bristol

I've littered this page with pictures of my ugly mug for anyone who wants to stalk me.

Me, doing drum sound check at Toybox Studios, Bristol, for a Ye Gods! recording session

Christopher Fielden Amazon Author Profiles

You can see my glorious Amazon UK profile here. And my equally glorious Amazon USA profile here. They contain details of all the books I've published.

Christopher Fielden

Photo taken at Talking Tales, a Stokes Croft Writers reading event

Find Chris On Social Media

Here are links to all my social media profiles:

Christopher Fielden Publishing History

Here is a record of the various publications that have published my fiction and non-fiction work. I have also worked with many of them as an editor.


  • 81 Words (website)
  • BBC Radio Bristol (story read)
  • Boundless (printed magazine published by Arkbound)
  • Brighton Community Of Writers (website)
  • Brighton Community Radio (story read)
  • British Fantasy Society (website)
  • Cafe Aphra (website)
  • Chapter One Promotions (website)
  • Comma Press (printed anthology)
  • Darker Times (printed anthology & website)
  • Dark Lane Books (printed anthology)
  • Fiction Junkies (website)
  • Flash Fiction Festival One (printed anthology)
  • InkTears (printed author showcase & PDF download)
  • Katha Kshetre, Temple of Short Stories (email magazine)
  • Little House Creative Workshops (website)
  • MASH Stories (website)
  • Oval Magazine (printed magazine)
  • Penny Shorts (online downloads)
  • Personal Bests (printed journal)
  • Phantasmagoria (printed magazine)
  • Scribble (printed magazine)
  • Sein und Werden (online magazine)
  • Story Shack (website)
  • Superfast Stories (YouTube channel)
  • Talent River (website)
  • The Creative Collective (printed anthology)
  • The Edge of Expression (website)
  • The New Writer (printed magazine)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology (printed anthology)
  • WolfSinger Publications (printed anthology)
  • Word Hut (website)
  • World City Stories (website)
  • Writers’ Forum (printed magazine)
  • Writers’ Village (website)
  • Writing Short Fiction (website)

You can find out more about the short fiction I've written and edited in the short stories section of the website.


  • Al Araby TV's "Hekayat Al Cinema - Tales of Cinema" (interview)
  • BBC Radio Bristol (interview)
  • BBC Radio Gloucestershire (interview)
  • Cofton Radio (interview)
  • Bristol Evening Post (newspaper)
  • Cathleen Townsend (blog)
  • Christopher Fielden (blog)
  • DIY Writer Podcast (interview)
  • Fat Media (blog)
  • Field of Words (blog)
  • Flash Fiction Festival (blog)
  • Geraldine Taylor (blog)
  • Grindstone Literary (magazine)
  • It's Lit But Is It Funny (podcast)
  • Kindlepreneur (blog)
  • Makarelle (interview)
  • MASH Stories (blog)
  • Matthew Woodward (blog)
  • Mature Times (blog and print magazine)
  • Moz (blog)
  • Mythaxis (online magazine)
  • National Federation of Occupational Pensioners Magazine (online magazine)
  • Over The Red Line (blog)
  • Penarth Sounds Radio (interview)
  • Portishead Chamber of Commerce (website)
  • South Avon Mercury (newspaper)
  • Search Logistics (website)
  • Stokes Croft Writers (blog)
  • The Real Writing Process (podcast)
  • The Short Story (blog)
  • The Short Story Writer (online magazine)
  • Trish Hopkinsin (blog)
  • Twist & Twain (Indian online magazine)
  • Victorina Press (blog)
  • Voice of Russia (radio, on a panel show about plagiarism)
  • Writers’ Forum (printed magazine)
  • Writers’ Village (blog)
  • Writing Short Fiction (website)


  • 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology (2021)
  • Adverbially Challenged Volume 1 (2016)
  • Adverbially Challenged Volume 2 (2017)
  • Adverbially Challenged Volume 3 (2018)
  • Adverbially Challenged Volume 4 (2019)
  • Adverbially Challenged Volume 5 (2020)
  • Allenthology - Eibonvale Press (2018)
  • Book of Bristol - Comma Press (2022)
  • Book of the Bloodless Volume 1: Alternative Afterlives - Victorina Press (2019)
  • Book of the Bloodless Volume 2: Sinister Sequels (coming soon-ish...)
  • Crunchy With Ketchup - WolfSinger Publications (2021)
  • Darker Times Anthology (2013)
  • Dark Lane Anthology Volume 4 - Dark Lane Books (2016)
  • Dark Lane Anthology Volume 5 - Dark Lane Books (2017)
  • Dark Lane Anthology Volume 6 - Dark Lane Books (2018)
  • Dark Lane Anthology Volume 7 - Dark Lane Books (2018)
  • Dark Lane Anthology Volume 11 - Dark Lane Books (2021)
  • Dark Lane Omnibus (2021)
  • Death of a Superhero - InkTears (2017)
  • Elegant Literature #31 Phoenix Rising - Elegant Literature (2024)
  • Flash Fiction Festival One - AdHoc Fiction (2017)
  • How to Self-Publish a Book on CreateSpace & Amazon (2016)
  • How to Write a Short Story, Get Published & Make Money (2015)
  • Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1 (2017)
  • Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 (2018)
  • Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3 (2020)
  • Personal Bests Issue 3 (2021)
  • Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 (2020)
  • Sein und Werden – Last Chance Filling Station (2021)
  • Sensorially Challenged Volume 1 (2017)
  • Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 (2019)
  • Sensorially Challenged Volume 3 (2021)
  • The Book of Bristol (2023)
  • The Creative Collective Anthology Series 2 (2017)
  • The Thing About Seventy - Midnight Street Press (2020)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2021 (2021)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2019 (2019)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2018 (2018)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2017 (2017)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2016 (2016)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2015 (2015)
  • To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2014 (2014)
  • Topically Challenged Volume 1 (2021)
  • Tritely Challenged Volume 1 (2018)
  • Tritely Challenged Volume 2 (2020)
  • Wicked Game (2010)

You can find more information about the books I've written and edited in the books section of my website.

Christopher Fielden Music History

  • Airbus – Apple Trees (1990)
  • Airbus – Bug And The Big Fish (1991)
  • Airbus – Ghosts (2000)
  • Airbus – Ghosts Remastered (2017)
  • Airbus – Gravity EP (1997)
  • Airbus – Inertia (1993)
  • Airbus – No EP (2001)
  • Airbus – Primitive Carnival (2017)
  • Airbus – Spitfire (1988)
  • Airbus – You (2021)
  • Jinxremover – Messerschmitt (2008)
  • Jinxremover – Spitfire (2006)
  • Little Villains – Achtung Minen (2020)
  • Little Villains – Battle of Britain (2022)
  • Little Villains – Battle of Britain re-release (2023)
  • Little Villains – Heavy Psyche Sounds Volume IV (2019)
  • Little Villains – Philthy Lies (2019)
  • Little Villains – Taylor Made (2020)
  • Portishead – Sourtimes EP (1994)
  • Ratwater – Bristol (2023)
  • Ye Gods! – Full Metal Racket (2009)
  • Ye Gods! – Grimoire Of The Gods (2016)
  • Ye Gods! – Le Banditos Avec Les Mullet (2005)
  • Ye Gods! – Live At The Fleece (2005)

You can find more information about the bands I've played in the music section of my website.

Stokes Croft Writers

Stokes Croft Writers logo

I'm the member of a fabulous writing group called Stokes Croft Writers. We're based in Bristol in the UK and our meetings are often held in cafes just off of Stokes Croft, a road known for its graffiti and artistry in the heart of the city. Hence the name of the group.

Stokes Croft Writers Talking Tales

From left to right, Mark Rutterford, Chris Fielden, Christie Cluett, Mel Ciavucco, Leah Eades and Tom Pepperdine

We run a regular short story reading event in Bristol called Talking Tales. You can find out more and listen to all the podcasts from our previous events by visiting my page about Stokes Croft Writers & Talking Tales.

Events & Story Readings

Here is a list of reading events that I can be found at. Sometimes I speak. Sometimes I read stories. Sometimes I'm just there to annoy other people. I like a chat. Feel free to come and speak to me.

If you would like me to do a presentation on short story writing for your event, writing group or literary festival, please see my author talks and presentations page.

Here is a review, kindly supplied by Rushmoor Writers:

"Massive thank you to author Christopher Fielden for coming to speak to Rushmoor Writers this evening. He gave an insightful, engaging and useful presentation about writing and selling short stories. Bloody nice chap too :-)" Christopher Berry, Club Chairman

Book of Bristol story reading event and book launch

Calendar of Events: Readings, Presentations, Workshops

More events coming soon...


Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, The Small City Bookshop, Bristol - Thursday 26th September 2024

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, The Small City Bookshop, Bristol - Thursday 25th January 2024

Elegant Literature online workshop "How to Earn Money Writing" - 13th January 2024

Elegant Literature online workshop "Humour Writing" - 21st October 2023

Elegant Literature online workshop "Art of the Short Story" - 23rd September 2023

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, The Small City Bookshop, Bristol - 7th September 2023

Elegant Literature online workshop "Flash Fiction Writing" - 26th August 2023

TogetherintheUK Zoom workshop "Publishing and producing an anthology" - 29th June 2023

Nottingham Playhouse Theatre Writers Room - 18th May 2023

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, The Small City Bookshop, Bristol - 10th May 2023

Cardiff 75 launch, Waterstones, Cardiff - Wednesday 26th April 2023

Book of Bristol launch, Holden Foyer, Bristol Central Library - 14th March 2023

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, The Small City Bookshop, Bristol - 23rd February 2023

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, The Wild Goose, Bristol - 23rd September 2022

NAWGFest 2022, Yarnfield Park Training and Conference Centre, Staffordshire - 2nd to 4th September 2022

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, online via Zoom - Saturday 15th January 2022

The Cosy Gang, online via Zoom - Monday 10th January 2022

Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales, online via Zoom - Saturday 11th December 2021

St Padarn's Institute, The Metropole Hotel and Spa, Llandrindod Wells - Monday 22nd November 2021

The British Fantasy Society Convention, Birmingham - 24th to 26th September 2021

Sensorially Challenged Volume 3 book launch 0n Zoom - Friday 21st May 2021

British Fantasy Society 'President’s Spoken Word Special' - Tuesday 19th January 2021

Reading Writers Annual Writing Day (Zoom) - Sunday 29th November 2020

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Tuesday 11th February 2020

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Tuesday 10th December 2019

Alternative Afterlives book launch, Max Minerva's, Bristol - Saturday 30th November 2019

FantasyCon, Glasgow - Friday 18th to Sunday 20th October 2019

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Tuesday 8th October 2019

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Tuesday 20th August 2019

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Tuesday 11th June 2019

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Tuesday 9th April 2019

Presentation for Caerphilly Scribes, Caerphilly Library, Wales - Thursday 28th March 2019

Flash Fiction and Poetry, Storysmith, Bristol - Wednesday 20th March 2019

Daisy Garland charity cheque presentation, Baked Bean Museum of Excellence, Port Talbot, Wales - Sunday 27th January 2019

Flash Fiction Festival double book launch, St James Wine Vaults, 10 St James Street, Bath - Saturday 19th January 2019

Newbury Book Fair - Saturday 15th December 2018

The unveiling of Captain Beany's head tattoo, Newbury - Friday 14th December 2018

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales & the 2018 To Hull And Back short story anthology book launch - Saturday 8th December 2018

Cafe Kino, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales as part of the Bristol Festival of Literature - 27th October 2018

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - 16th June 2018

Writing Challenge TRIPLE Book Launch, The Colonel Fawcett, London - Sunday 10th June 2018

Daisy Garland Ball & Auction, The Belvedere, London - Saturday 19th May 2018

Allenthology Book Launch, The King's Head, Enfield, London - 12th May 2018

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - 21st April 2018

Society of Medical Writers Spring Conference and Writing Workshop - The Art Workers Guild, London - Wednesday 18th April 2018

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - 17th February 2018

Launch of Flash Festival One, Beaufort Bookshop, Bath - 27th January 2018

The Squat Pen Rests, The Wyvern Theatre, Swindon - 26th January 2018

Caring in Bristol Survival Handbook workshop #3, Arkbound, Bristol - 26th January 2018

Sensorially Challenged Vol 1 book launch, Alexandra Park Library, Alexandra Park Road, London, N22 7JU - Sunday 14th January 2018

James Woolf In Denial script reading, Park Theatre, Finsbury Park, London - 8th Jan 2018

InkTears book launch, The Sun Pub, Drury Lane, London - 4.30pm, Sat 16th December 2017

Caring in Bristol Survival Handbook workshop #2, St Mungos, Bristol - Thurs 14th December 2017

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales & the 2017 To Hull And Back short story anthology book launch - Saturday 9th December 2017

Rhiannon Lewis book launch, Embassy of Chile, London - Thurs 7th December 2017

Caring in Bristol Survival Handbook workshop #1, St Mungos, Bristol - Weds 29th November 2017

New College LitFest, Swindon - Wednesday 8th November 2017

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales as part of the Bristol Festival of Literature - Sat 28th October 2017

Book Busk at the Bristol Festival of Literature - Sat 28th October 2017

No. 51, Stokes Croft - The Bristol Festival of Literature Flash Slam - Fri 20th October 2017

Professional Writing Academy student Q&A, Ireland - Weds 27th September 2017

A Nonsensical Reading Extravaganza, the Donnington Grove, Newbury - Sun 9th July 2017

Presentation to students at St Brendan's 6th Form College, Bristol - Mon 3rd July 2017

2 x Cliché Workshop, Bath Flash Fiction Festival - Sat 24th & Sun 25th June 2017

Arkbound & First Story's National Writing Day Workshops, Bristol Energy Hub, BS1 5UH - Wednesday 21st June 2017

Professional Writing Academy Interview, Ireland - Sun 11th June 2017

Satellite of Love's Wordathon, The Dark Studio, The Arnolfini, BS1 4QA - Sat 10th June 2017

Burdall’s Yard, Bath - SCW present Talking Tales @ The Bath Fringe Festival - 2nd June 2017

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - 22nd April 2017

Talk for Croydon Writers, Croydon, London - Monday 10th April 2017

Author Presentation at St Marys CEVA Primary School, Portbury - Monday 27th March 2017

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Saturday 18th February 2017

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales & the 2016 To Hull & Back short story anthology book launch - Saturday 10th December 2016

Trade Secrets Short Story Writing Workshop at Chip Lit Fest - Tuesday 29th November 2016

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales as part of the Bristol Festival of Literature - Saturday 22nd October 2016

No. 51, Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3QP - The Flash Slam @ the Bristol Festival of Literature - Friday 21st October 2016

Talk for Rushmoor Writers @ Farnborough Community Centre - Weds 12th October 2016

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Saturday 13th August 2016

Arkbound 'Boundless Magazine' launch, Bristol - Friday 10th June 2016

Burdall’s Yard, Bath - SCW present Talking Tales @ The Bath Fringe Festival - 5th June 2016

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Saturday 16th April 2016

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Saturday 20th February 2016

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Monday 14th December 2015

Café Kino, Bristol - To Hull & Back Anthology Launch - Friday 27th November 2015

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales (The Speakeasy) as part of the Bristol Festival of Literature - Saturday 24th October 2015

Bristol Fest of Literature Flash Slam, The Crofter's Rights, Bristol - Friday 23rd October 2015

Bristol Book Bazaar Day 2, The Green Lab, Bristol - Sunday 18th October 2015

Bristol Book Bazaar Day 1, The Green Lab, Bristol - Saturday 17th October 2015

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - 17th August 2015

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Monday 15th June 2015

Left Bank, Bristol - Stokes Croft Writers present Talking Tales - Monday 13th April 2015

Small Bar, Bristol - Small Stories reading - Monday 2nd February 2015

Foyles, Bristol - To Hull & Back Anthology Launch - Friday 28th November 2014

About Christopher Fielden the Wine Writer

I have recently become aware of an author that shares my name who writes books about wine. I am NOT that Christopher Fielden. If you are looking for books about wine, you can find our more about Christopher Fielden the wine author on Amazon.



Christopher Fielden Est 2011

This website was established in 2011. In 2024, it was redesigned. Between 2011 and 2024, thousands of people commented on the site. I’d like to thank every person for their engagement – it’s greatly appreciated.

When the site was rebuilt, transferring comments comprising hundreds of thousands of words was not feasible on most pages. The About Christopher Fielden page comments are an exception and they appear below. New comments are welcome. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ask questions.

Hi, just read your story, 'The Cat, The Bull & The Madman'. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed it, I needed to share that I have been left mildly concerned about my own psyche. Why? Well, probably because the part I found most disturbing was the bit about the cat putting his paw, and subsequently his claw into the guys mouth...ewwwwwww. Anyway, thanks for brightening up my morning & helping my procrastinations. Sheena

Chris FieldenThanks Sheena - even more disturbingly, the cat's paw part of that story is based on real life experience. I was house sitting in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles, and one of the cats I was looking after used to stick it's paw in my mouth to wake me up when it was hungry. It didn't talk though... 🙂 Sorry if that information has grossed you out even further!

Al C
Re: stalking. Be careful what you wish for! Thanks for all the advice, though - good website!

Chris Fielden
LOL - thanks Al 🙂

Philip S
Dear Christopher. A good Website. I like your sense of humour and story about the bees. If you think your mum is the only one to look at your website it must be safe!! Um, must admit I do enjoy a glass of wine and my eyes did look at the wrong name first. Interesting about Stokes Croft, as I was born and raised in Bristol from zero to twenty five. I'm afraid I am just a poor old retired geezer now. I don't use on-line for writing, but noticed a writing competition for postal submissions. I'll mention the source if I enter.

Chris Fielden
Thanks Philip, much appreciated 🙂

Peter K
For starters you are wearing my Batman t-shirt and you ride on my favourite HOG. If you were the right sex I'd obviously marry you but you aren't so I'll just weep into my beer and enter your Hull and back competition.

Chris Fielden
Excellent! I'll look forward to reading your story 🙂

Les C
What stops other people nicking my stories if I submit them for publishing.

I'm new to the game, never had anything published before.

Also, your website in amazingly helpful - is there a charge for using all its facilities?

Chris Fielden
Les, it's highly unlikely anyone will nick your stories - as long as they are your original work, you are the recognised copyright owner. I've been submitting stories for years and never encountered a problem. If it was a problem, I guess no one would ever submit anything anywhere!

The information on my site is provided for free - I'm glad you find it useful 🙂

Joseph K
Your journey from school to writer is impressive.

Keep up the creative spirit.

God is alive because he is writing his short stories on the wall of his creation.

We can copy, imitate, edit and recreate.

And we live.

Chris Fielden
Thanks JK 🙂

Jerry W
Hi, Chris. A drummer? A drummer? This helps explain the appeal of your website. In spite of their stepping on my best guitar and vocal solos, getting all the chicks, and causing me permanent hearing damage, some of my favourite people, aside from real musicians, are drummers. Rock on. Thanks for your site; encouraging and educating.

Chris Fielden
Jerry, we drummers do have a habit of damaging ears (our own included) stealing women (well, attempting to) and destroying instruments that are not designed to be struck with lumps of wood. But we don't do it maliciously; it's the love of rock and roll that leads us to undertake these acts.

Glad to hear you like the site 🙂

Rhiannon L
Hi Christopher. Two quick things:

- firstly, thank you for your really useful website and especially for your list of competitions which is the most useful and up to date list that I have found

- I just wanted to ask why you don't appear to list the Raymond Carver short story competition? It seems reputable, but perhaps I'm wrong? Have you had any experience of it?

By the way, your feedback on Writers' Forum was incredibly useful. You were totally right about the valuable feedback they provide for a very small fee. The magazine is interesting and winning one of the competitions (which I did after reading your advice - 1st prize, November 2016) came at a very important time, just when I was flagging and losing hope that anyone would ever want to read my stories. So thank you again!

Best wishes, Rhiannon

Chris Fielden
Hi Rhiannon. Great, I'm so pleased to hear you find the site useful 🙂

I hadn't heard of the Raymond Carver competition. Most of the comps are listed because the people that run them approach me for a listing, so I guess I haven't been approached by the administrators. I'll take a look at the contest next time I update the page.

I'm really pleased to hear you've found Writers' Forum so useful. And congratulations on winning their competition - that's great news.

Thanks for your kind words about the site and advice - it's very much appreciated 🙂

Kenn H
Hi Chris. My apologies for contacting you directly. I got your email address from your website.

I just discovered that you have written this book: "Yet another Road to Cross, Ten Generations of the Carrau Family In Wine, 1752-2012", but I am unable to order the only copy left on Amazon, because it can't be delivered to Australia. Is there any way of buying a copy? Even an electronic copy would be appreciated. I am researching my grandmother's family who's surname was Carrau. She always thought she was French, but after a DNA test, I have confirmed my suspicions that she has Spanish heritage. I thought maybe your book and research might help my research, and help me understand the family origins.

I would appreciate any help you can give.

Chris Fielden
Hi Kenn. I’m afraid you have the wrong Christopher Fielden. I’m a short story writer and blogger, not a wine writer.

I’m afraid I don’t know how to put you in touch with the right CF – Google brings up a phone number, so you could try that?

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Kenn H
Hi Chris. Thank you so much for your quick reply, I really appreciate it.

Kerissa A
Just a little first thing, my name - it's pronounced Kuh-rih-sah, but, like, at a normal clip that doesn't make people start trying to take sharp objects from you. I have a pretty amusing backstory for this intro, but I only have a few minutes before I have to rescue my dog from what I'm sure is the bane of her existence: nail trimming.

So I, you know, did a cursory sweep of the comments and your responses, just to be sure my Hey-Dar was on the right channel, which I'm happy to report - it could be. It all hinges on whether or not your gut response to Kenn's comment was something like, "For fuck's sake, you're a researcher and you failed to uncover the mystery that is that I am not the Wine Writer you seek? Methinks perhaps you should reconsider a path in research." The Bitchy Queen in me that I reserve only for myself and a few in the Trust Ring, would have added, "You fucken moron." Or, if I were English, maybe 'Bloody' moron? Or is that just too many pints past cliche? *sigh* Give me a break, I was born, raised, and still live on what is arguably the most isolated volcanic rock that's the most non-state of all the Un-united States, on the planet (sometimes I say, "Grew up," but then that Bitchy Queen snort-laughs at me and makes some catty remark like, "Grew up? Really? Is that what you're calling this? Whatever." That bitch. She probably knows that Demon of Doubt dude. They'd make a great arch nemesis/secret BFF team, hahaha! Hmmmm. Anyway, shit. I gotta go. She's looking at me like I left her at some - well, anywhere that does not serve Rachael Ray gourmet dog snacks. My dog, I mean. OK, um... cheers? I was gonna go with 'Ciao' but that would make the BQ foam at the mouth. HA! Aloha! K

Chris Fielden
Hi Kuh-rih-sah (I hope I pronounced that correctly)

My gut instinct on people assuming me to be the wine writer who shares my name simply makes me sigh. I receive invites to many wine launches and restaurant openings as I seem to have ended up on some PR email lists, so it happens quite a lot and I've become used to it. I suppose I could turn up and eat all the food and drink all the wine, but then my BMI would probably become similar to that of a small planet, so, for health reasons, I don't. I hope that answer meets with your satisfaction and I have a chance of being accepted into the Trust Ring.

Your Bitchy Queen sounds like better company than the Demon of Doubt. At least she has a sense of humour...

Anyway. I hope your dog isn't mentally scarred from her nail trimming experience.

Cheers (me dears, as we say in the fair city of Brizzle), Chris

Glen D
Hi Chris, several pictures of you adorned in ACDC clothing have naturally caught by eye. I say 'naturally' since being an Aussie, these guys are amongst rock royalty over here. My question to you  is - have you ever counted yourself as a KISS fan?

I saw them in concert two weeks ago in Brisbane, Australia and they did not disappoint. In fact, if I may be so bold Chris, these are my thoughts on this close-to-my-heart subject in more detail.

The concert included an eight-minute drum solo by Eric Singer. Being a former drummer myself, I was in heaven. So... any thoughts on KISS you care to share?

Chris Fielden
Hi Glen. Thanks for your message.

I think AC/DC are regarded as rock royalty all over the world, not just in Australia. And rightly so. In my humble opinion, they're the greatest rock band ever to take the stage.

I've seen Kiss in concert - Donnington, way back in 1988. They were really good live. I wouldn't regard myself as a huge fan, but I do enjoy their music. And I like their stage shows - they go all out to entertain the audience. You have to respect that.

Thanks for sharing your concert write up. Sounds like it was a great night. You said you enjoyed the drum solo. I'm not a big fan of drum solos, especially long ones. I guess that's odd coming from a drummer... but when I go to see a band, I go to see the band. Not individuals showing off. It's another reason I like AC/DC so much. I've never seen Phil Rudd do a drum solo. Thin Lizzie's Brian Downey does a good solo - short and sweet. And Roger Taylor, when he does them, keeps them short and interesting. The best drum soloist I've seen is Joe Morello. He was one of the few drummers that can get away with long solos, but it's because he is arguably the best drummer that's ever lived. His solos are interesting because he is so skilled and diverse. Anyway... I'm waffling.

All the best to you - looks like the blog is going well, which is great - keep up the good work 🙂

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