'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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To Hull & Back Short Story Anthology 2014

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I'm proud to present the 2014 To Hull & Back humorous short story competition anthology. The book was released on Hulloween (October 31st 2014).

To Hull & Back Short Story Anthology 2014 Front Cover by Elisabetta Bruno

Cover by Elisabetta Bruno, featuring the beauteous bonce of winner Mike Scott Thomson

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Where to Buy The Anthology

You can buy PDF copies of the anthology from me. Or you can buy the anthology in print and in Kindle format from Amazon.

Kindle eBook Copies of the Anthology on Amazon

You can buy eBook copies of the To Hull And Back Short Story Anthology 2014 on Amazon here.

The book is available on all of Amazon's websites. If you're buying from a different country, simply search for this Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):


Printed Copies of the Anthology

Printed copies of the anthology can also be bought from Amazon.

PDF Copies of the Anthology

This is the cheapest way to buy the 2014 anthology. Pay via PayPal using the button below.

2014 Anthology PDF £3.99

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About The Anthology

The 2014 anthology contains a collection of 27 humorous short stories from the winning writers, highly commended writers, shortlisted writers and judges of Christopher Fielden’s inaugural 'To Hull & Back' short story competition.

The stories are imaginative, quirky, amusing and fun – guaranteed to make a reader giggle with pleasure. Unless, of course, the reader is a miserable git. But even the grumpiest of gits has been known to unwillingly smirk whilst perusing the stories within this tome. Why? Because each tale contains an element of witty magic and is likely to become a fable of mirth and legend in decades to come.

Authors featured in this anthology: Adele Smith, Andrew Campbell-Kearsey, Ben Langley, Caimh McDonnell, Carrie Breeze, Christie Cluett, Christopher Berry, Christopher Fielden, John Emms, Josh Keeling, JR Hampton, Julia Breck-Paterson, Kathryn England, Keith Newton, Kerry Barner, Leah Eades, Mike Scott Thomson, Mel Ciavucco, Polly Ann White, Richard Dunford, SS Kaye, Steph Minns, Stephen Pollock, Sue Powis, Tom Norton, Will Haynes and Will Ingrams. You can see all their biographies on the 2014 competition results page.

The first printed copy of this book, released on Hulloween 2014, has now made a journey on the Highway to Hull. By this, I mean it has been strapped to my motorcycle and filmed being ridden to Hull & Back. You can learn more about this part of the prize on the main competition page.

Here is the video:

To Hull & Back - the first video, filmed April 2015

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Anthology Book Launch

The To Hull & Back anthology book launch took place on Friday 28th November at Foyles bookshop in Bristol, 6 Quakers Friars, Cabot Circus, Bristol, BS1 3BU. Below are some details about the event, some 'thank yous' to everyone who helped make it possible and lots of lovely photos.

To Hull & Back Short Story Anthology Book Launch at Foyles in Bristol

From left to right: Carrie Breeze, Tom Norton, Leah Eades, Christopher Berry, Mel Ciavucco, Christopher Fielden, Will Haynes, Christie Cluett, SS Kaye & Mike Scott Thomson

Three other authors who had their stories published in the anthology, Josh Keeling, Steph Minns and Will Ingrams, were also at the event. Unfortunately, they'd left before I managed to get my ass in gear and gather everyone together for a group photo - apologies Josh, Steph and Will!

From the above sentence, the more intuitive amongst you might realise that rather a lot of wine was consumed. Who'd have thought authors would like a drink or ten? Not me. No. Never.

To Hull & Back Book Launch at Foyles Booze

Christie, doing her damnedest to keep all the booze for herself...

There was spicy food, lots of it prepared specially for the event by the marvellous members of my writing group and my family. There was also a lot of drink. Fair play to everyone who turned up, we managed to get through 25 bottles of wine. I was most impressed.

Foyles Bookshop, Cabot Circus, Bristol UK

Foyles bookshop, Cabot Circus, Bristol

The event was held at Foyles bookshop in Bristol. The team there are incredibly supportive of local authors and allow them to hold events in the space at the back of the shop, which is perfect for a book launch. They'll also sell the book for you.

A few thank yous

Thanks to the members of my writing group, for helping me judge the competition, set up the event, decorate the space, keeping everyone plied with booze and food and generally being amazingly supportive. They are, Christie Cluett, Josh Keeling, Leah Eades, Mel Ciavucco and Steph Minns. Steph gets a special mention for fully entering the spirit of the event, which was based around flame and fire, by dying her hair red.

Stokes Croft Writers Group

From left to right: Mike Scott Thomson, Chris Fielden, Steph Minns, Christie Cluett, Leah Eades & Mel Ciavucco

Thanks to Mark and Mary Fielden (my Mum & Dad) for helping me proofread the book and for making the flaming trees. Thanks also to Elisabetta Bruno for designing the cover of the book and the rather fabulous pull-up banner of the anthology cover.

To Hull and Back Book Launch

The stage where all the talking happened

Thanks to Georgie Fielden for her help with judging the competition, proofreading the book and helping me setup the event at Foyles.

Georgie Fielden aka Carrie Breeze at Foyles

Julie Harwood, Julie Harwood (yep, confusing, they have the same name) & Georgie Fielden

BIG thanks to Robb, the Events Coordinator at Foyles, for his help with setting up the event.

Robb at Foyles Bristol

Robb, looking marvellous and bigging me up (thanking you Robb!)

Thanks to Mike Scott Thomson, the competition winner, for his fabulous reading. And to his mum and dad for flying down from Edinburgh for the event.

Mike Scott Thomson To Hull & Back Launch Reading

Mike Scott Thomson, reading his story ' How Not to Undertake an Effective Time-and-Motion Study'

Thanks to Christopher Berry, the second place winner, for his wondrous reading too.

Christopher Berry To Hull & Back Launch Reading

Christopher Berry , reading his story 'Psycho'

And a massive thanks to all the other authors who attended the event, were published in the book and entered the competition. Without each and every one of you, none of this would have happened.

Some More Photos

Below are a few more photos from the event.

Christopher Fielden To Hull & BAck Anthology Book Launch at Foyles in Bristol

Me, trying to look professional

To Hull and Back Anthology Book

The To Hull & Back anthology, looking splendid

Mike Scott Thomson To Hull & Back

Mike, trying to come to terms with the fact there was a big banner with his head emblazoned all over it

Christie Cluett & Leah Eades

Christie & Leah, perusing the book

To Hull and Back Book Shelf

Many, many copies of the To Hull & Back anthology

Chris Fielden & Will Haynes

Me and Will, hovering around the wine with intent

Crowd at To Hull & Back Foyles Book Launch

Lots of people listening to me waffle

Christopher Fielden Talking at To Hull and Back Launch at Foyles Bookshop

Me, waffling

Steph Minns

Steph, having a snooze while I waffle

Mike Scott Thomson Reading at Foyles

Mike, reading

Christopher Berry Reading at Foyles

Chris, reading

Will Haynes & SS Kaye

Will and Sarah

Chritie Cluett, Leah Eades & Mel Ciavucco

Christie, silently disagreeing with whatever Leah and Mel are banging on about

Foyles Book Launch To Hull & Back November 2014

When family meet bosses - not sure who is most scared...

Highway to Hull

Highway to Hull, made by my mum and dad

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Anthology Cover

The cover of the 2014 To Hull & Back anthology was designed by Elisabetta Bruno.

Elisabetta Bruno, artist and designer

Elisabetta Bruno

Elisabetta is a designer with 12 years of experience under her belt. Her work ranges from magazines to infographics and interactive design. Some of her design work feature clients such as Chanel, Claudia Christian, most known for her role as Susan Ivanova in the Sci-fi series Babylon 5, Andrews and ThomsonLocal.

Design, however, isn't her only speciality, as she is also a writer and copywriter. She was Senior Associate Editor for Designorati, and wrote several courses and tutorials for About.com and Pantone. Her passion for entertainment also led to her role as a contributing writer for Technorati Gaming.

You can learn more about her fantastic artistry on her website.

To Hull & Back Short Story Anthology 2014 Full Book Cover

To Hull & Back Anthology 2014 Full Book Cover by E Bruno

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John Y
My congratulations to the winner Mike Scott Thomson. It's a small world! I know Mike to be an excellent writer and I'm sure his win was very well deserved.

Chris Fielden
Thanks John, Mike's win was well deserved indeed!