'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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Death Of A Superhero

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Death Of A Superhero is a short story anthology published by InkTears, an independent UK publishing house who run popular short story and flash fiction writing competitions.

Buy Death Of A Superhero

The book can be purchased from the InkTears online shop and Amazon (see links above or click on book image below).

Death of a Superhero InkTears

The anthology contains five of my short stories:

  1. Death Of A Superhero (which the book is named after)
  2. Devil's Crush
  3. I Am The Warlock
  4. The Keith Of Death
  5. Troll's Head

The book also contains short stories by Brindley Hallam Dennis, Kaya Ra Edwards and Mandy Huggins. It's an honour for me to be published alongside such talented writers.

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About The Anthology

After I was awarded 'highly commended' in the InkTears short story competition, Anthony Howcroft and Sara-Mae Tuson, who run InkTears, invited me to contribute to a collection of short stories they were publishing.


InkTears logo

One of the stories featured in the book, 'Devil's Crush', is available to read for free in the Short Stories section of this website. If you like the style of that story, you are likely to enjoy the anthology.

Death of a Superhero

Death Of A Superhero book cover

'Devil's Crush' is also available to read as part of the free PDF taster of my book, How to Write a Short Story, Get Published & Make Money. I used 'Devil's Crush' as a case study in the book, after it won the Writer's Forum short story competition.

I was also very chuffed when I heard that InkTears were naming the anthology after one of my short stories. I read 'Death of a Superhero' at the book launch in London. You can learn more about that below.

InkTears launched another book called How To Begin A Wonderful Life at the same time as Death Of A Superhero.

How To Begin A Wonderful Life

How To Begin A Wonderful Life book cover

It features stories by Drew Taylor, Margaret Dakin, Mark Sheerin and Mike Scott Thomson (Mike won the inaugural To Hull And Back short story competition and runs the Adverb Writing Challenge with me - total legend).

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Book Launch

The book launch for Death of a Superhero took place on Saturday 16th December at The Sun Pub, 21 Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5RH from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. The event was organised by Sara-Mae Tuson, one of the InkTears editors.

Sara Mae Tuson and Christopher Fielden

Sara-Mae Tuson and Chris Fielden, at the launch in London

There were readings from some the authors featured in the anthology at the event. They were Mandy Huggins, Brindley Hallam-Dennis and myself.

InkTears books

Some beautifully presented hardback books, published by InkTears

There was another anthology, called How To Begin A Wonderful Life, launched by InkTears on the same day. Two of the authors featured in that book (Drew Taylor and Mark Sheerin) also read at the event.

Brindley Hallum-Dennis, Sara Mae Tuson and Drew Taylor

Brindley Hallum Dennis, Sara Mae Tuson and Drew Taylor

You can learn more about the double anthology book launch on Facebook.

I'd like to say a huge thank you to Anthony Howcroft (founder of InkTears) and Sara-Mae for all the hard work they put into producing the books. They look amazing.

Christopher Fielden

Chris Fielden, reading 'Death of a Superhero' from Death of Superhero - confused? I am...

An added bonus of having a launch in London was that I was able to invite some writers I've liaised with (sometimes for years) via the website but never met. They are:

Mandy Huggins and Christopher Fielden

Many Huggins and Christopher Fielden

Amanda is a very successful short story and flash fiction writer from Leeds. She and I have been Facebook friends for while, but hadn't met before the launch.

Christopher Fielden and James Woolf

Christopher Fielden and James Woolf

James is a prolific short story writer. He also writes plays and has just finished a novel. He has also written for my website. You can read his award winning short story and accompanying guest post here.

Christopher Fielden and Özge Göztürk

Christopher Fielden and Özge Göztürk

I've liaised with Özge because I list the London Independent Story Prize, a flash fiction competition that she is ivolved with running.

Christopher Fielden and Nick Sweeney

Christopher Fielden and Nick Sweeney

Nick is another accomplished writer, of both fiction and non-fiction, who has written for my website. You can read his award winning story and accompanying guest post here.

Below are a few more pictures taken at the book launch.

Drew Taylor

Drew Taylor

Mandy Huggins

Mandy Huggins

Pile of Books

A stack of lovely books

Mark Sheerin

Mark Sheerin

Brindley Hallam-Dennis

Brindley Hallam-Dennis

Death of a Superhero

Death of a Superhero

People in the pub

Writers in the pub, with books and pies and wine and stuff

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