'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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Writing Challenge Hall Of Fame

Quick links on this page:

introduction - hall of fame - month of mondays manor - 1,000 word club castle - vip lounge

just for fun palace - frolickers' fountain - judges - map, links and visitor guide

This section of the website is run by Lesley Truchet and Michael Rumsey.

Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges Anthologies

The Hall of Fame showcases writers who have excelled in the flash fiction writing challenges run on this website, and in the other mini-challenges and competitions run in the Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges (AotFFWC) Facebook group.

Want to join the group? Click on the link above.

Lesley Truchet and Michael Rumsey

Lesley Truchet and Michael Rumsey

This section of the website started life as a single page. Over time, as the Facebook group became more popular, it grew too big for one page, so more pages have been created.

Map And Links To Other Pages Within The Complex

Below are links to the other pages held within the Hall of Fame and a map of the entire complex so you can navigate without a sat nav.

author profiles - competition winners - gail's gladiators - library

Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges (AOFFWC) Map

Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges Map

Visitors Guide

Prepared by Michael Rumsey


Visitors are asked to sign in. Application forms to join the group are available with a map to pave your way on the following route.

Free copies of Lesley’s Lessons can be found on the welcome desk.

From Reception take Writers Road north.

Anne’s Kiosk

This offers a variety of items including A4 paper, computer ink and a pocket size Thesaurus.

Turn sharp right onto Truchet Boulevard and first right again down Link Lane.

Fictioneers Hotel

Pets and laptops welcome.

Day visitors are encouraged to drop in for coffee. For bookings, please see below.

Exit the hotel and move along Admin Street.

The Little Villains Bandstand

Every evening offers a live performance. In the past six months, we have enjoyed shows from The Lovely Ladies of Leeds, a rather tense appearance by the PPF (Past, Present & Future) Band and, most recently, a mixed concert by the Point of Viewers.

One of our most popular venues is situated opposite the hotel.

Flashers Bar & Grill

The steaks in this joint are succulent, the waitresses even more so. Some say the Indent Fish is marginally better than meat, having more character. Catering for authors Alphabet Soup is a favourite and one really should sample the Fable Flan.

Back on the Boulevard and walking easterly, an attractive building sits on the left.

The Hall of Fame

In the entrance hall, a metal plaque lists the names of all elected members in chronological order from Anita Bowden, July 2018, right up to date with now. The notice board displays a month by month account of the winning story titles, with brain storming and mind numbing titles such as Naughty Santa, Homonyms, Haiku & Clerihew, etc.

Stepping into our Status Room visitors are sometimes puzzled by the oak panelled placard which greets them: Avid Aces Thread.

Reading the stories printed below the sign, displayed in conjunction with prize recipient photographs, reveals this is in honour of our competition winners. It is, in fact, an anagram of the surnames of our first three winning authors Kim, Cathy and Amanda.

Pause to enjoy the glittering photographs and equally sparkling bios on the other three walls.

These are our Member Profiles to date.

When you've finished perusing all the names on display, step out of the Hall of Fame. At the bottom of Truchet Boulevard, turn sharp left onto Wareham Walk. After half a kilometre, a building can be seen on the right.

Golden Key VIP Lounge

Here, selected members assemble by invitation. This was kindly supplied by the Lesley Anne Foundation.

A few brisk steps north on Wareham walk are the places children flock to.

Children’s Playground

This was established by Lestopher & Chrisley. A company that is never at a loss, ensuring the joy children win on the swings is equally rewarding on the roundabouts.

The next attraction is adjacent to the playground.

The Duck Pond

Offers of crumbs here, unlike some of our stories, are never rejected. Retracing one's steps and turning left onto the Walk, brings the visitor to a monument.

The Fountain

This admirable statue was a gift from the Michgail Institute that is guaranteed to spout forth 24 hours a day.

Continue north on Wareham Walk.

The Manor

Sitting proudly at the upper edge of the complex, the manor was constructed in a month of Mondays and is dedicated to Wordsworth. The representatives here are never stuck for a word and always willing to give an explanation.

Moving south, the poetic Ashley Avenue brings us down to the Library.

The Library

The designer, Dick Shonary, says it is looking up, making reference to completion by the end of May.

Exit via Thomson Turnaround to link up with Sir Christopher Walk to discover the oldest building in the complex.

The Library also contains the Gem Centre Museum (GCM), Notley Nook (where our Daft Definitions are stored) and the Pearl Room (the home for our more poetic challenge winners).

Fielden Castle

Built in the 15th century entirely from Bristolian Brick, it was initially owned by two Hullenbach families. Now home to the 1,000 word club members, it has been in the news many times throughout its long history. Inside, various rooms have been prepositioned, each representing a different topic. On the ground floor, for example, one can find the Adverbially Obsessed and Cliche Clique rooms. At the end of the corridor on the first floor is a room affectionately known as the laughing chamber, officially Nonsense Nook. It has been said that, having seen the castle, every visitor leaves sensorially satisfied.

Senses are further tickled by walking south west down Rumsey Street.

Fun Palace

Frolicking is the key word in this establishment and the inhabitants are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face.

Moving inland due east and along Everett Avenue brings one to what some describe as action area.

Gladiator Arena

Guests are invited to watch as nine gladiators, one after another, practise the ancient and noble art of paragraphing to culminate in a legend.

Successful Gladiators are rewarded with an appearance in the next place of interest.

The Gallery

Nine glittering portraits are featured, depicting those brave warriors who survived to narrate what has become known as the Great Aunt Mabel saga.

From the gallery, Challenge Drive leads to Michael Court.


Occupied by our learned brotheren/sisteren, vital and wise decisions have been formulated here by every one of the judges.

Moving south on Writers Road an array of goodies is to be found.


A new addition, built in a location so secret that it does not appear on the map. Only Wednesday's winnows can find it.

Gift Shop

Inside, one can get a flash of inspiration from authors ranging from Ashley to Zeleski. Postcards and prints of Malcolm Richardson's photo prompts are on sale. Pause for a while to watch the trio, Trucham, Waresey and Rumset, demonstrate the age old art of mini-challenge compilation. Browse through the much sought after, colourful charity donating Challenge Collections.

Upon leaving the complex via reception, guests are asked to sign the visitor’s book and make a comment in 81 words.

Hotel Bookings: fictioneers@aoffwc.international

Flashers Bar & Grill Open 24 hours & take away. (Take away does not include the waitresses.)

We trust you have enjoyed your visit, please come again.

NASA Rocket Launchpad Site

The rocket launch that took place on the 31st May 2024 containing our group's time capsule was absolutely awesome. Noise from the blasting rocket was stupendous, the sight etched in the memories of those who were present. Hundreds of members' manuscripts, stories, profiles and challenge history information fell from various storage places during blast off. Order is now restored. There was even a hunky astronaut in attendance who wishes to remain anonymous.

Our AOTFFWC group will be remembered not only on this planet but also in some part of the universe, wherever the capsule eventually lands, and beyond.

The launch site is located on the top right-hand corner of our complex and will be added to the complex map once experts have assessed the considerable damage to the ground and buildings. NASA has kindly offered to pay all costs including repairs.

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Introduction, by Lesley Truchet

Having received so much response from our recently set up Facebook challenges, we think our distinguished Hall of Famers deserve much wider recognition and appreciation. On this page we will publish, and add to, a never ending list of names of every single writer who enters the 'Authors of the Flash Fiction Writing Challenges Hall of Fame'. 

If you manage to get through the Hall of Fame door, and it won't be easy, your name will remain imprinted on the list forever, and ever, and ever, and beyond, or until computer technology expires, whichever comes first.

Who is eligible to enter?

If you have already entered one or more of Chris Fielden's world renowned writing challenges, you will probably be aware that the Facebook group was set up in order that Chris's challenge writers could communicate.

The group instantly became popular with new members arriving by the minute. Within this group (which also accepts members who haven't yet responded to any of Chris's challenges) we are running varied, regular challenges, winners of which enter the group's prestigious Hall of Fame. Go on. Have a go. Join the Facebook group today.

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The Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame

Below dwells the most prestigious of tables, for it holds the details of word weaving legends. If you think you're worthy of a place on this fabled tableau, contact Michael or Lesley in the Facebook group. Or hassle Chris and he will pass on said hassle without a moment's delay.

Name Event Date
Michael Rumsey Waste of Time June 2024
Cathy Cade Connect April 2024
Rathin Bhattacharjee " "
Val Fish " "
Maggie Elliott Anagrams February 2024
Michael Rumsey " "
Alicia Sledge Hook January 2024
Andrew Ball " "
Eileen Baldwin " "
Glo Curl " "
John Notley " "
Kiran Ramachandran " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Liz Berg " "
Kiran Ramachandran Choice Words November 2023
Missy Lynne Protagonist "
Christine Nedahl Photo Prompt October 2023
Glo Curl " "
Kelly Jeanne Pairs Part 1 September 2023
Val Fish " "
Andrew Ball 5th Birthday Comp August 2023
Cathy Cade Presentation "
Kiran Ramachandran 5th Birthday Comp "
Andrew Ball Photo Prompt July 2023
Kay Reeves " "
Kiran Ramachandran Poem Image June 2023
Boakesey Closs Near Misses May 2023
Glo Curl " "
Kiran Ramachandran " "
Bob Tateson Photo Prompt April 2023
Jayne Morgan " "
Andrew Ball I Forgot February 2023
Kate McDonald " "
Shanne Wolberg " "
Bob Tateson Time "
Sarah Mairs " "
Andrew Ball Photo Prompt January 2023
Julie Dron " "
Kate MacDonald Isms December 2022
Mandy Garcia " "
Andrew Ball Progress November 2022
Julie Dron Impossible October 2022
Maggie Elliott " "
Christine Nedahl Photo Prompt "
Kay MacDonald " "
Johanna McDonald Ice Breaker September 2022
Eileen Baldwin Photo Prompt July 2022
Kelly Jeanne " "
Pat Mudge Show Don't Tell "
Andrew Ball Weird Titles Story Competition "
Bob Tateson " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Shanne Wolberg Opposite June 2022
Julie Dron Ten Words "
Shanne Wolberg " "
Glo Curl 20 Questions May 2022
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Mandy Garcia " "
Jayne Morgan Legends April 2022
Margaret Haslam " "
Shanne Wolberg Photo Prompt "
Val Fish " "
Kay Reeves Amusing Analogies March 2022
Mary Fox " "
Glo Curl Geographically Speaking "
David Silver I Cannot Agree February 2022
Kay Reeves " "
Adele Evershed 81XL January 2022
Angela Googh " "
Cathy Cade " "
Glo Curl Photo Prompt "
Isabel Flynn " "
David Mitchell Challenge 81 December 2021
Izu Obi " "
Anita Bowden Punny Animals "
Izu Obi " "
Adele Evershed 1,000 Word Comp November 2021
John Notley " "
Joyce Bingham " "
Elizabeth Coby IF "
Victoria Melbourne " "
David Silver When X Met Y "
Klaus Gehling   "
Kevin Hartdgen Boring  Beginnings October 2021
Lynne  Arnott " "
Pat Mudge " "
Jayne Morgan In A "
Lynn Zeleski " "
Jayne Morgan Photo Prompt "
Maggie  Elliott " "
Kay Reeves Limericks September 2021
John Notley " "
Tony Thatcher " "
Amanda Garzia Making Sense "
Josephine Anderson " "
Klaus Gehling " "
Majella Pinto " "
Anita Bowden Photo Prompt July 2021
Maggie  Elliott " "
Cathy Cade Reinterpretation "
David Silver " "
Akweh John Book Titles June 2021
Anita Bowden " "
Glo Curl Fill In "
Ian Buzard " "
Lynn Zeleski " "
Maggie Elliott " "
Glo Curl Photo Prompt April 2021
Maria Thomas " "
Cathy Cade Tanka "
Julie Dawson " "
Lynn Zeleski " "
Elizabeth Coby Alphabetically March 2021
Michael Rumsey " "
Cathy Cade Elements "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Andrew Ball Resolution 500  Word Story "
John Notley " "
Andrew Ball You  Are "
Val Fish " "
Barbara Noble Consequently February 2021
Boakesey Boakes " "
Jayne Morgan Paragraph "
Klaus Gehling " "
Andrew Ball Parody January 2021
David Silver " "
Glo Curl " "
Hilary Taylor Photo Prompt "
Klaus Gehling " "
Andrew Ball Odes December 2020
David Silver " "
John Notley " "
Yasmin Al Jarrah " "
Christopher Fielden Pesky Protaonists "
David Silver " "
Claudia Nicholson Ridiculous Reasons November 2020
Yasmin Al Jarrah " "
Barbara Noble Palindrome October 2020
Glo  Curl " "
Majella Pinto " "
Glo  Curl Photo Prompt "
Maria Thomas " "
Boakesey Boakes  Contractions September 2020
David Silver " "
Christy Roth Slang "
David Silver " "
Janice Morgan " "
John Notley " "
Helen Stephens Modern Proverbs August 2020
Jill Lang " "
Maggie Elliott " "
Claudia Nicholson The First Time "
John Notley " "
Maggie Elliot " "
Mary Fox Photo Prompt July 2020
Pat Mudge " "
Elizabeth Coby Sporting Chance June 2020
Tony Thatcher " "
Cathy Cade Crossword May 2020
Eileen Baldwin Research "
Ibukun Keyamo Sentences "
Sarah Mosedale " "
Amanda Jane Davies Easter 500 Story April 2020
Cathy Cade " "
Maggie Elliott " "
Amanda Jane Davies Photo Prompt "
David Silver " "
David Silver Write & Wrong "
John Notley " "
Eileen Baldwin My Favourite March 2020
John Notley " "
Maggie Elliot Tee Shirt "
Marlene Pitcher " "
Kim Hart (winner) Christmas 500 Story February 2020
Cathy Cade " "
Paul Mastaglio " "
Tony Thatcher " "
David Silver Conversations "
Pat  Mudge " "
Eileen Baldwin Post of the Month "
Eileen  Baldwin Photo Prompt January 2020
Sue Maynes " "
David Silver Whistle December 2019
Michael Thurgood " "
David Silver Inserts November 2019
Elizabeth Coby " "
John Notley Someone I  Knew "
Maggie Elliott " "
David Silver Email October 2019
Barbara Noble Grand "
Maggie Elliott " "
Barbara Noble Photo Prompt September 2019
Gail Wareham Everett " "
Cathy Cade Opening Lines "
Gail Wareham Everett " "
Cathy Cade Haiku/Clerihew August 2019
Michael Rumsey " "
Eileen Baldwin Ordinary People "
Gail Wareham Everett " "
Cathy Cade Mistakes July 2019
Val Fish " "
Eileen Baldwin Letters Play June 2019
Judy Sandra Gill " "
David Silver Homonyms "
Stuart Atkinson " "
Cathy Cade Catchy Titles May 2019
Pat Mudge " "
Cathy Cade I Fancy "
Lucy Morrice " "
Lesley Truchet I Was There April 2019
Sarah Mosedale " "
David Silver Pastime "
Eileen Baldwin " "
John Notley Character Descriptions March 2019
Sean Bain " "
Pat Mudge The Write Word "
Val Fish " "
Lynne Arnott Beginnings & Endings February 2019
Neil Phillips " "
Derek McMillan St Valentines "
Val Fish " "
Sarah Mosedale Phone Call January 2019
Tony Thatcher " "
Elizabeth Coby Song Titles "
Michael Rumsey " "
Angela Googh Christmas Shoppers December 2018
Pat Mudge " "
Johanna McDonald Naughty Santa "
Tony Thatcher " "
Cathy Cade Halloween Challenge November 2018
Peter James Corbally " "
Bridget Scrannage Dream Challenge "
Sue Partridge " "
Barbara Noble Poetry Challenge October 2018
Johanna McDonald " "
Sue Partridge " "
Val Fish " "
Cathy Cade Second Person September 2018
Sarah Mosedale " "
Johanna McDonald Used To Be "
John Notley " "
John Notley Fairy Tales August 2018
Malcolm Richardson " "
Abby Duff Crossword "
Alicia Sledge " "
Andre Othenin-Girard " "
Cathy Cade " "
Anita Bowden Logic Puzzle July 2018
Cathy Cade " "
Johanna McDonald " "
Pat Mudge " "
Anita Bowden True Humour "

back to top

Month of Mondays Manor

Month of Mondays Manor

The Monday Word is a challenge run in the Facebook group that invites writers to take a rare or unusual or obscure word and write a sentence or two to help to elucidate its meaning. The idea was conceived by Peter James Corbally.

Below you will find details of those invited for drinks in the library, located in the west wing of the manor, after excelling in this mini challenge.

Name Word Date
Boakesey Closs Sesquipedalian June 2024
Glo Curl Ultracrepidarianism "
Maggie Elliott Taradiddle "
Michael Rumsey Vituperative "
Kay Reeves Destinesia May 2024
Lesley Anne Truchet Ambitchous "
Maggie Elliott Nomonym "
Mary Jane O’Brien Carcolepsy "
Michael Rumsey Thrumpy "
Sarah Ali Unenlightening "
Shanne Wolberg Unkeyboardinated "
Val Fish Hiderdating "
Chris Green Greek To Me March 2024
Christine Nedahl Much Ado "
Mandy Garzia Barefaced "
Michael Rumsey Shakespeare Lines "
Andrew Ball Concupiscent February 2024
Boakesey Closs " "
Klaus Gehling Harbinger "
Lynn Zeleski Armispotent "
Shanne Wolberg Scobberblotcher "
Andrew Ball Yuletide December 2023
Christine Nedahl Chestnuts "
Glo Curl Nativity "
Sara Ali Reindeer "
Christine Nedahl Empleomania November 2023
Kay Reeves Filipendulous "
Kiran Ramachandran Deipnosophist "
Lynn Zeleski Cacography "
Michael Rumsey Empleomania "
Andrew Ball Finifugal October 2023
Christine Nedahl Lughole "
Mandy Garzia Eellog... "
Michael Rumsey Balanism "
Christine Nedahl Candy September 2023
Glo Curl Banana "
Mandy Garzia Alcohol "
Michael Rumsey Bully "
Annemarie Allan  Noob August 2023
Christine Nedahl Griefer "
Klaus Gehling Piglin "
Maggie Elliott Crit "
Bob Tateson Sedulity June 2023
Christine Nedahl Dilatory "
Eileen Baldwin Spondulicks "
Kay Reeves " "
Klaus Gehling Sedulity "
Mandy Garcia Buzgut "
Shanne Wolberg Dilatory "
Gail Kryscio Fugacious May 2023
Gail Kryscio Schism "
Kiran Ramachandran Lacuna "
Maggie Elliott Sagacity "
Missy  Lynne Fibonacci "
Christine Nedahl Milestone April 2023
Kay Reeves Alliteration "
Michael Rumsey Tomfoolery "
Shanne Wolberg Obloquy "
Chris Green Nauseant March 2023
Kate Dunbar Diaphanous "
Kay Reeves Pareidolia "
Mandy Garzia Intrenchant "
Barb Elder Omomatopoeia February 2023
Julie Dron  Clodhopper "
Kay Reeves Clodhopper & Omomatopoeia "
Missy Lynn Kift "
Shanne Wolberg  Caffled "
Loat Souls Fimblefammel January 2023
Jackie Morris Finifugal "
Michael Rumsey Bumbershoot "
Michael Rumsey Bumfodder "
Bob Tateson Huffle Buffs December 2022
Kay Reeves Yule "
Kennedy Meecham Wamble Cropped "
Michael Rumsey Apricity "
Andrew Ball Lackadaisical November 2022
Chris Green Talisman "
Kay Reeves Cloud Cuckoo "
Maggie Elliott Dontopedalogy "
Andrew Ball Ackaramakus October 2022
Bob Tateson Puissance "
Julie Dron Scaevity "
Mandy Garzia Swink "
Michael Rumsey Ackaramakus "
Glo Curl Zaggle September 2022
Jackie Morris Catillate "
Michael Rumsey Vaticinate "
Vladmir  Andreev Gobermouche "
Bob Tateson Dipthong August 2022
Julie Dron Typist "
Maggie Elliott Invest "
Shanne Wolberg Sandwich "
Christine Nedahl Zowerswopped July 2022
David Silver Bewattle "
Julie Dron Tiffing "
Michael Rumsey Chouser "
Claudia Nicholson Destinesia June 2022
David Silver Unkeyboardinated "
Julie Dron Snollygoster "
Klaus Gehling Fartlek "
Bob Tateson Zoanthropy April 2022
Glo Curl Agostopia "
Julie Dron Gardyloo "
Michael  Rumsey Eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious "
David Silver Megalopic March 2022
Michael Rumsey Humbug "
Missy Lynne Ambivert "
Shanne Wolberg Cuncator "
Barbara Noble Expostulate February 2022
David Silver Pollyanaish "
Kay Reeves Inamorata "
Kay Reeves Irruption "
Kay Reeves Yatter January 2022
Klaus Gehling Effluge "
Mary Fox Equivocate "
Rachel Bath Pulsatile "
Shanne Wolberg Amort "
Andrew Ball Bananas December 2021
David  Silver Declivitous "
Lynn Zeleski Eruct "
Maggie Elliott Embrasure "
Anita Bowden Rhymney November 2021
Kay Reeves Cong "
Mandy Garcia Glossop "
Michael Rumsey Swanage "
Victoria Melbourne Motspur "
Barbara Noble Bandoline October 2021
Michael Thurgood Dingleberry "
Kay Reeves Kakorrphiophobia "
Lynn Zeleski Apricate "
Andrew Ball Cento September 2021
David Silver " "
Helen Stephens " "
Glo Curl Fribble "
Glo Curl Scabrous "
David Silver Trasonical "
Andrew Ball Egregious July 2021
Isabel Flynn Propagate "
Lynn Zeleski Prolix "
Malcolm Richardson Imperious "
Andrew Ball Dubskelper June 2021
Lynn Zeleski " "
Maggie Elliott Entechment "
Michael Rumsey " "
David  Silver Deleerit "
Michael Rumsey " "
Maggie Elliott Feechie "
Val Fish " "
Boakesey Boakes Jentacular May 2021
David Silver Scripturient "
Glo Curl Jentacular "
Jennifer Susan Perspicacity "
Kate McDonald Somnolent "
Klaus Gehling  Quotidian "
Lynn Zeleski Somnolent "
David Silver Mezzotint April 2021
Jayne Morgan Tentacular "
Maggie Elliott Vignette "
Yasmin Al  Jarrah Tractate "
Andrew Ball Finifugal March 2021
Eileen Baldwin Lalochezia "
Lynn Zeleski Mumpsimus "
Michael Rumsey Anachronism "
Michelle Anne Weaver Petrichor "
David Silver Thalassophile February 2021
Glo Curl Lethologica "
Jayne Morgan Bibliopole "
Michelle Anne Weaver Peripatetic "
Barbara Noble Skotison January 2021
Elizabeth Coby " "
Glo Curl Amphiboly "
Mary Fox Apophasis "
Michael Rumsey Zeugma "
Andrew Ball Platz December 2020
David Silver Luftmensch "
Elizabeth Coby Katzenjammer "
Michael Rumsey Poltergeist "
Andrew Ball Impignorate November 2020
Boakesey Boakes Zoanthropy "
David Silver " "
Lynn Zeleski Erinacious "
Pat Mudge Tittynope "
Andrew Ball Glaikit October 2020
Barbara Noble Scunnered "
Glo Curl Dreich "
Kate McDonald Blether "
Elizabeth Coby Bibliophile September 2020
Glo Curl Blatteroon "
Maria Thomas Wuzzle "
Pat Mudge Frumicate "
Barbara Noble Chokka Augsut 2020
David Silver Cattywampus "
Glo Curl Furphy "
Michael Rumsey Skive "
Paul Mastaglio Skrookum "
Eileen Baldwin Taradiddle June 2020
Enda Scot Objurgate "
Gail Wareham Everett Wheech "
Ibukun Keyamo Milquetoast "
Jill Lang Eldritch "
Enda Scott Solivagant May 2020
Gail Wareham  Everett Ensorcell "
Maggie Elliott Gallimaufry "
Val Fish Cachinnate "
Barbara Noble Shotclog April 2020
David Silver Elaqueate "
Jill Lang Defenstration "
Lisa Fox Sciolistic "
Barbara Noble  Pussillanimous March 2020
Eileen Baldwin Cacoethes "
Ibukun Keyamo Schadenfreude "
Michael Rumsey Stowlins "
Sue Maynes Mythomane "
Gail Wareham Everett Pauciloquent February 2020
Sue Maynes Descry "
Barbara Noble Effutiation January 2020
Cathy Cade Embuggerance "
Dan Kidd Ninnyhammer "
David Silver Polrumptious "
David Silver Borborygmus December 2019
Marlene Pitcher Borborygmus "
Gail Wareham Everett Antediluvian November 2019
Mary Fox Pragmatic "
Maggie Elliott Jejune October 2019
Michael Thurgood Gobsmack "
Gail Wareham Everett Belligerent September 2019
Val Fish Panjandrum "
David Silver Growlery August 2019
Gail Wareham Everett Groak "
Enda Scott Agelast July 2019
Gail Everett Soporific "
Barbara Noble Deipnosophist June 2019
Eileen Baldwin Ultracrepidarian "
Cathy Cade Overweening May 2019
Val Fish Risible "
Cathy Cade Mereticious April 2019
David Silver Subsume "
Barbara Noble Malfeasance March 2019
David Silver Evanescent "
Cathy Cade Equipoise February 2019
Val Fish Pertinacious "
Elizabeth Coby Glossolalia January 2019
Tony Thatcher Incertitude "

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1,000 Word Club Castle

1000 word castle

Here are the authors who have contributed over 1,000 words to the flash fiction writing challenges. Each one is a short story generating, charity supporting machine.

  1. Alan Barker
  2. Alan Pattison
  3. Allen Ashley
  4. Amanda Garzia
  5. Angela P Googh
  6. Betty Hattersley
  7. Cathy Cade
  8. Christopher Fielden
  9. Claire Apps
  10. Clare Tivey
  11. David McTigue
  12. David Silver
  13. Gavin Biddlecombe
  14. Glen Donaldson
  15. John Notley
  16. Klaus Gehling
  17. Len Saculla
  18. Lesley Truchet
  19. Lucy Morrice
  20. Maddy Hamley
  21. Maggie Elliott
  22. Majella Pinto
  23. Malcolm Richardson
  24. Martin Strike
  25. Matilda Pinto
  26. Michael Rumsey
  27. Mike Scott Thomson
  28. Paul Mastaglio
  29. Sandra Orellana
  30. Valerie Fish

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The Fun Palace

Fun Palace

Every month, we run mini-challenges. Here you will find details of the Funsters - those members who made us laugh or posted a clever response to our Just For Fun segments. They are:

Name Fun Event Date
Liam Kerry Express Yourself June 2024
Jayne Morgan " "
Michael Rumsey " "
Andrew Ball Memory Facts May 2024
Boakesey Closs (2) " "
Bob Tateson (2) " "
Christine Nedahl (2) " "
Glo Curl (2) " "
Jayne Morgan " "
Liz Berg " "
Sara Ali (2) " "
Kay Reeves Confusion April 2024
Kelly Jeanne " "
Michael Rumsey " "
Boakesey Closs Shopowners March 2024
Kiran Ramachandran " "
Michael Rumsey " "
Chris Green Books February 2024
Kay Reeves " "
Sara Ali New Year January 2024
Shanne Wolberg Single Line "
Kelly Jeanne Mix & Match November 2023
Kiran Ramachandran " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Christine Nedahl Interaction October 2023
Dora Bona As September 2023
Val Fish Subject June 2023
Christine Nedahl Colours May 2023
Glo Curl " "
Kay Reeves " "
Liz Berg " "
Malcolm Richardson " "
Andrew Carter Facts April 2023
Christine Nedahl Sounds March 2023
Glo Curl Breaking News "
Kennedy Meecham " "
Kiran Ramachandran Sounds "
Andrew Ball Nursery Rhyme January 2023
Kay Reeves " "
Glo Curl Months December 2022
Maggie Elliott " "
Mandy Garcia " "
Shanne Wolberg " "
Barbara Noble Homographs November 2022
Jackie Morris " "
Kay Reeves " "
David Ball Two's Day October 2022
Pat Mudge " "
Andrew Ball Unexpected September 2022
Jayne Morgan " "
Shanne Wolberg Sounds Like July 2022
Andrew Ball First  Time June 2022
Rachel Bath " "
David Silver Birthday Gifts May 2022
John Notley " "
Julie  Dron " "
Laura Marie Nolan " "
John Notley For / Fore / Four "
Kay Reeves " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Michael Rumsey " "
Bob Tateson Three Wishes "
Kay Reeves " "
Margaret Haslam " "
Andrew Ball Song Parody April 2022
Andrew Ball Weird Titles March 2022
David Silver " "
Kate Mc Donald " "
Kelly Jeanne " "
Maria Thomas " "
Michael Rumsey " "
Missy Lynne " "
Amanda Jane Davies Pet Hates February 2022
Cathy Cade Dwarfs "
Kay Reeves " "
Andrew Ball Gifts December 2021
Cathy Cade " "
Glo Curl " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Paul Mastaglio " "
David Silver When X Met Y November 2021
Klaus Gehling " "
Maggie Elliott " "
Eileen Baldwin Report October 2021
Glo Curl " "
Kay Reeves " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Andrew Ball Ps & Qs September 2021
David Silver " "
Helen Stephens " "
Jayne Morgan Odd Endings July 2021
Maggie Elliott " "
Ian Buzard Wax Lyrical June 2021
Maggie Elliott " "
Hilary Ayshford Jokes May 2021
Kim Hart " "
Lynn Zeleski " "
Andrew Ball Two Words April 2021
David Silver " "
Maggie Elliott " "
Amanda Jane Davies 2 Letters March 2021
David  Silver " "
Glo Curl " "
Barbara Noble Mary Plus February 2021
Jennifer Susan " "
Amanda Jane Davies New Products January 2021
Glo Curl " "
Andrew Ball Daily Events December 2020
David Silver " "
Maggie Elliott Match Up "
Malcolm Richardson " "
Paul Mastaglio " "
Barbara Noble Word Sounds November 2020
Gail Wareham Everett " "
Paul Offer-Kemp " "
Yasmin Al Jarrah " "
Amanda Jane Davies Complex & Middle Order October 2020
David Silver " "
Andrew Ball Fill In "
Gail Wareham  Everett " "
Elizabeth Coby Legal Jargon September 2020
Sue Maynes " "
Helen Stephens Oxymorons August 2020
John Notley " "
Michael Rumsey " "
David Silver Mondegreen June 2020
Mary Fox " "
Barbara Noble Seekers "
Gail Wareham  Everett " "
Mary Fox " "
Kim Montgomery Conversation May 2020
Klaus Gehling " "
David Silver Lockdown April 2020
Michael Rumsey " "
Anita Bowden Toilet Roll Shortage "
John Notley " "
Jill Lang Mathematically Speaking March 2020
Klaus Gehling " "
Val Fish " "
Gail Wareham Everett Publisher February 2020
Jayne Morgan " "
Eileen Baldwin Paraodies January 2020
Gail  Wareham  Everett " "
Marlene Pitcher " "
Simon Russell " "
John Notley I Say December 2019
Maggie Elliott " "
Maggie Elliott All Grown Up November 2019
Val Fish " "
Lynn Zeleski Movie Titles "
Val Fish " "
Barbara Noble Place Names October 2019
Johanna McDonald " "
Angela Googh Into A Bar September 2019
Paul Mastaglio " "
Cathy Cade Catchphrases August 2019
Lynn Zeleski " "
Gail Everett Rhythm July 2019
Maggie Elliot " "
Anita Bowden Anagrams June 2019
Maggie Elliott " "
Pat Mudge I Know May 2019
Val Fish " "
Fiona Aitken Abbreviations March 2019
Mary Walker James " "
Anita Bowden Greeting Cards February 2019
Peter James Corbally " "
Barbara Noble What’s In A Name? November 2018
Kim Montgomery Proverb Ending October 2018
Alicia Sledge Limerick September 2018

back to top

Friday Frolickers' Fountain

Friday Frolickers Fountain

Here you will find the names of members who have frolicked in the fountain on a Friday, and how many times they have done so. Please note that while frolicking, public decency is employed at all times.

  • Adele Evershed
  • Amanda Jane Davies (3)
  • Anamika Kundu
  • Andrew Ball (27)
  • Barbara Eustace
  • Boakesey Boakes (6)
  • Bob Tateson (3)
  • Cathy Cade
  • Chris Green
  • Christine Nedahl (16)
  • Claudia Nicholson
  • Daniel Halverson
  • David Ball (2)
  • David Silver (6)
  • Derek McMillan
  • Eileen Baldwin (4)
  • Elizabeth Coby (3)
  • Francesca Davis (6)
  • Gail Krycsio (3)
  • Glo Curl (9)
  • Gwynne Weir
  • Jackie Morris
  • Jayne Morgan (3)
  • Jennifer Susan
  • Johanna McDonald
  • John Notley (6)
  • Julie Dron (5)
  • Kate McDonald (2)
  • Kay Reeves (13)
  • Kelly Jeanne (3)
  • Kiran Ramachandran (5)
  • Klaus Gehling (4)
  • Lesley Anne Truchet (3)
  • Liz Berg (3)
  • Lynn  Zeleski (2)
  • Maggie Elliott (3)
  • Malcolm Richardson
  • Manasi Samudra
  • Mandy Garzia (5)
  • Maria Thomas (3)
  • Mary Fox
  • Mary-Jane O’Brien
  • Melanie Barrow
  • Michelle Anne Weaver (4)
  • Michael Rumsey (32)
  • Michael Thurgood
  • Missy Lynne
  • Pat Mudge (2)
  • Rachel Bath
  • Sara Ali (3)
  • Shanne Wolberg (5)
  • Val Fish (2)

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Lesley introduced HQ as a meeting place for our detectives – those members who correctly  identified  our "Who Are The Authors?" challenges. Originally a room in The Manor, we later moved it to a lush and prestigious office on the second floor of The Hall Of Fame. We needed more space to also accommodate winners of  Wednesday Winnows and Mystery Member.

  • Adele Evershed (2)
  • Alicia Sledge
  • Allen Ashley (2)
  • Amanda Jane Davies (3)
  • Amanda M Grant
  • Andrew Ball (21)
  • Angela Googh
  • Anita Bowden (2)
  • Archie Iver
  • Barb Edler
  • Barbara Miller
  • Boakesey Closs (2)
  • Caroline Price
  • Cathy Cade (3)
  • Chris Fielden (6)
  • Chris Green (4)
  • Christine Nedahl (9)
  • David Ball
  • Eileen Baldwin (2)
  • Elizabeth Coby
  • Gail Kryscio (6)
  • Glo Curl (14)
  • Grace C Moran
  • Helen Avis
  • Ibukun Keyamo
  • Isabel Flynn (6)
  • Jayne Morgan (6)
  • Johanna McDonald
  • John Notley
  • Julie Dron
  • Kay Reeves (7)
  • Kate Dunbar (2)
  • Kate McDonald (2)
  • Kay Reeves (4)
  • Kelly Jeanne
  • Kennedy Meecham
  • Kiran Ramachandran (6)
  • Lesley Anne Truchet (3)
  • Loat Souls
  • Lynn Zeleski (10)
  • Maggie Elliott (6)
  • Malcolm Richardson (4)
  • Mandy Garcia
  • Maria Thomas
  • Melanie Barrow
  • Michael  Rumsey (7)
  • Missy Lynne
  • Pat Mudge (2)
  • Paul  Mastaglio (3)
  • Sara Ali (3)
  • Shanne Wolberg (2)

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Honourable Judges

Judge's Gavel

Here you will find the names of members who have helped to run and judge events in the Facebook group. They are:

Name Challenge Date
Christine Nedahl Monday Word June 2024
Kay Reeves Friday Frolics "
Lesley Anne Truchet Waste of Time "
Allen Ashley Daft Definitions May 2024
Boakesey Closs Daft Definitions "
Chris Fielden Monday Word "
Christine Nedahl Daft Definitions "
Glo Curl Memory Facts "
John Notley Memory Facts "
Lesley Anne Truchet Memory Facts "
Mandy Garzia Memory Facts "
Michael Rumsey Daft Definitions "
Boakesey Closs Friday Frolics April
John Notley Daft Definitions "
Kennedy Meecham Daft Definitions "
Lesley Anne Truchet Daft Definitions "
Mandy Garzia Connect "
Michael Rumsey Daft Definitions "
Christine Nedahl Daft Definitions March 2024
Jayne Morgan Daft Definitions "
Kate Dunbar Daft Definitions "
Kiran Ramachandran Monday Word "
Maggie Elliott Daft Definitions x 2 "
Andrew Ball Friday Frolics February 2024
Christine Nedahl Monday Word "
Jayne Morgan Anagrams "
Jayne Morgan Books "
Lesley Anne Truchet Daft Definitions "
Michael Rumsey Daft Definitions "
Kate Dunbar Shinski January 2024
Kay Reeves Senses "
Boakesey Closs Monday Word November 2023
Glo Curl Choice Words "
Kate Dunbar Protagonist "
Lesley Anne Truchet Friday Frolics "
Andrew Ball DD October 2023
Christine Nedahl DD "
Glo Curl DD x 2 "
John Notley Friday Frolics "
Kate Dunbar Interaction "
Kay Reeves DD "
Lesley Anne Truchet Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Glo Curl Friday Frolics September 2023
Kiran Ramachandran Monday Word "
Lesley Anne Truchet As "
John Notley Daft Definitions "
Majella Pinto Daft Definitions "
Mandy Garzia Pairs "
Val Fish Daft Definitions "
Chris Fielden Monday Word August 2023
Lesley Anne Truchet Presentation "
All the Admins Prize Story July 2023
Lesley Anne Truchet Birthday Poem "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Glo Curl Monday Word June 2023
Lesley Anne Truchet Subject & Poem Image "
Mandy Garzia Friday Frolics "
Lynn Zeleski Friday Frolics May 2023
Mandy Garzia Near Misses "
Michael Rumsey Colours "
Yasmin Al-Jarrah Monday Word "
Fung Sing Daft Definitions April 2023
John Notley Friday Frolics "
Lynn Zeleski Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Daft Definitions "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Yasmin Al-Jarrah Daft Definitions "
Andrew Ball Friday Frolics March 2023
Barbara Noble Daft Definitions "
John Notley Breaking News "
Lesley Anne Truchet Daft Definitions "
Mandy Garzia Daft Definitions "
Mandy Garzia Sounds "
Melanie Barrow Daft Definitions "
Pat Mudge Daft Definitions "
Rachel Bath Monday Word "
Amanda Jane Davies Monday Word February 2023
Cathy Cade Friday Frolics "
Glo Curl I Forgot "
Mandy Garzia Time "
All the Admins Moidi January 2023
Chris Fielden Monday Word "
John Notley Complex Rhyme "
Lesley Anne Truchet Nursery Rhymes "
Lesley Anne Truchet Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Michael Rumsey Follow Up "
Glo Curl Daft Definitions December 2022
Kirsti Sinclair Monday Word "
John Notley Months "
Kate McDonald Daft Definitions "
Lesley  Anne Truchet Daft Definitions "
Michael  Rumsey Isms "
" Friday Frolics "
Bob Tateson Monday Word November 2022
John Notley Homographs "
Kay Reeves Daft Definitions (DD) "
Kelly Jeanne Friday Frolics "
Lesley Anne Truchet Progress "
Mandy Garzia Homographs / DD "
Michael Rumsey Homographs / DD "
Michael Thurgood Daft Definitions (DD) "
Andrew Ball Friday Frolics October 2022
Christine Nedahl Monday Word "
Glo Curl Two's Day "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Tony Thatcher Impossible "
Glo Curl Monday Word September 2022
Kay Reeves Friday Frolics "
Lesley Anne Truchet Ice Breaker "
John Notley Poetry "
Mandy Garzia Monday Word "
Michael Rumsey Unexpected "
Chris Fielden Monday Word August 2022
All The Admins Cross July 2022
Claudia Nicholson  Friday Frolics "
Lesley  Anne Truchet Show Don’t Tell "
John Notley Daft Definitions "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Mandy Garzia Monday Word "
David Mitchell Opposite June 2022
Glo Curl Friday Frolics "
John Notley Daft Definitions "
Julie Dron First Time "
Kelly Jeanne Monday Word "
Lesley Anne Truchet Friday Frolics "
Mandy Garzia Friday Frolics "
Michael Rumsey Friday Frolics "
Glo Curl Birthday Gifts May 2022
John Notley Three Dishes "
Mandy Garzia For / Fore / Four "
Chris Fielden Monday Word April 2022
David Silver Legends "
John Notley Friday Frolics "
Lesley Anne Truchet Song Parody "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Chris Fielden Amusing Anologies March 2022
Kay Reeves Monday Word "
Lesley Anne Truchet Weird Titles "
Maggie  Elliott Geographically Speaking "
Shanne Wolberg Friday Frolics "
Lesley Anne Truchet Pet Hates February 2022
John Notley I Cannot Agree "
John Notley Monday Word "
Rachel Bath Frolics "
David Mitchell 81XL January 2022
Glo Curl Frolics "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Paul Mastaglio Monday Word "
Allen Ashley Punny Animals December 2021
Chris Fielden Challenge 81 "
Glo Curl Monday Word "
Kay Reeves Friday Frolics "
Anita  Bowden Nicknames   November 2021
Barbara Noble IF "
Chris Fielden Monday Word "
Mandy Garcia When X Met Y "
Mary Fox Friday Frolics "
Glo Curl Boring Beginnings October 2021
Isabel Flynn In A "
Lesley Anne Truchet Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Michael Rumsey Frolics "
Alicia Sledge Limericks September 2021
Amanda  Garcia Monday Word "
Elizabeth Coby Frolics "
Michael Rumsey Making Sense "
David  Silver Frolics July 2021
Klaus Gehling Reinterpretation "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Michelle Anne Weaver Odd  Endings "
Tony Thatcher Monday Words "
Andrew Ball Fill In June 2021
Glo Curl " "
Lesley Anne Truchet " "
Michael  Rumsey " "
Boakesey Boakes Frolics "
Johanna McDonald Wax Lyrical "
Kate McDonald Monday Word "
Maggie Elliott Book Titles "
Maggie Elliott Frolics May 2021
Majella Pinto Monday Word "
Andrew Ball Frolics April 2021
Lesley Anne Truchet Two Words "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Michael  Rumsey Monday Word "
Boakesey Boakes 2 Letters March 2021
Jayne Morgan Monday Word "
Kate McDonald Elements & Alphabetically "
John Notley You Are "
Claudia Nicholson Consequently February 2021
David Silver Mary Plus "
Gavin Biddlecombe Monday Word "
Maria Thomas Paragraph "
Andrew Ball Monday Word January 2021
Lesley Anne Truchet Parody "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Yasmin Al Jarrah New Products "
Boakesey  Boakes Daily Events December 2020
Dave  Langdale Pesky Protagonists "
Klaus Gehling Monday Word "
Amanda Jane Davies Ridiculous Reasons November 2020
Barbara Noble Monday Word "
Helen Stephens Word Sounds "
Andrew Ball Palindrome October 2020
Glo Curl Complex & Middle Order "
Johanna McDonald Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo  Prompt "
Christopher  Fielden  Contractions September 2020
Gail Wareham Everett Monday Word "
Lesley Anne Truchet Slang "
Michael Rumsey Legal Jargon "
Amanda Jane Davies The First Time August 2020
Christopher Fielden Modern Proverbs "
John Di Carlo Oxymorons "
Sue Maynes Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo  Prompt July 2020
Alan Barker Monday Word June 2020
Derek McMillan Mondegreen "
Kim Montgomery Seekers "
Lindy Gibbon Sporting Chance "
Jill Lang Monday  Word May 2020
Kim Montgomery Sentences "
Lesley  Anne  Truchet Conversation / Research "
Michael Rumsey Crossword "
3 Admins (GWE, LT & MR) Easter Story April 2020
Alan Barker Write  & Wrong "
Lesley Truchet Lockdown Tales "
Lesley Truchet Toilet  Books "
Malcolm Richardson Photo  Prompt "
Mary Fox Monday Word "
3 Admins (GWE, LT & MR) Mathematically March 2020
Gail Wareham Everett Tee Shirt "
Marlene Pitcher Monday Word "
Enda Scott Monday Word February 2020
Gail Wareham Everett Christmas 500 Story "
Lesley Truchet Christmas 500 Story "
Lynne Arnot Publisher "
Michael Rumsey Christmas 500 Story "
Multiple Group Members Gail's Gladiators Round 1 "
Sue Maynes Conversation "
Barbara Noble Paraodies January 2020
Gail Wareham Everett Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo  Prompt "
Eileen Baldwin I Say December 2019
Lucy Morrice Inserts "
Val Fish Monday Word "
David Silver Monday Word November 2019
Gail Wareham Everett Someone I Knew "
John Notley Movie Titles "
Lesley Truchet All Grown Up "
Marlene Pitcher Inserts "
Gail Wareham Everett Place Names October 2019
Lesley Truchet Email "
Michael Rumsey Grand "
Alicia Sledge Opening Lines September 2019
Barbara Noble Into a Bar "
John Notley Monday Word "
Malcolm Richardson Photo Prompt "
Elizabeth Coby Monday Word August 2019
Gail Wareham Everett Haiku/Clerihew "
Maggie Elliott Catchphrases "
Neil Phillips Ordinary People "
Cathy Cade Monday Word July 2019
Eileen Baldwin Mistakes "
Lucy Morrice " "
Sarah Mosedale Rhythm "
Alan Pattison Homonyms June 2019
David Silver Letters Play "
Malcolm Richardson Monday Word "
Anita Bowden I Know May 2019
Paul Mastaglio Catchy Titles "
Peter James Corbally Monday Word "
Sue Partridge I Fancy "
Elizabeth Coby I Was There April 2019
Laura Besley Pastime "
Peter James Corbally Monday Word "
Allen  Ashley Abbreviations March  2019
Angela Googh The Write Word "
Betty Hattersley Character Description "
Peter James Corbally Monday Word "
Pat Mudge Beginnings & Endings February 2019
Peter James Corbally Monday Word "
Tony Thatcher St Valentines "
Cathy Cade Phone Call January 2019
Peter James Corbally Monday Word "
Val Fish Song Titles "
Sarah Mosedale Naughty Santa December 2018
Michael Rumsey Christmas Shoppers "
David Silver Halloween November 2018
Johanna McDonald Last Night I Dreamt "
John Notley Rhyme & Reason October 2018
Cathy Cade Nothing Changes September 2018
Malcolm Richardson Second Person "
Michael Rumsey Crossword August 2018
Michael Rumsey Nursery Rhymes "
Lesley Truchet True Humour July 2018
Michael Rumsey Logic "

back to top

VIP Lounge

VIP Lounge

The lounge was opened to celebrate the second anniversary of our group in May 2020.

Though we consider all our members as VIPs, our admin team decided to honour some for outstanding contributions. For example, competition winners, challenge compilers, multiple mini challenge winners, those who have written in excess of 2,000 words for our main challenges etc. Two were nominated by other members and another two for sheer enthusiasm and leadership.

We look forward to welcoming new members to the lounge who meet our slogan: Above and Beyond. Accordingly, we offer an open invitation to all our members to make a recommendation, stating for what and why. Just use the comment form at the bottom of this page.

Register of Members
A. H. Creed
Allen Ashley
Amanda Jane Davies
Andrew Ball
Angela Googh
Anita Bowden
Ashutosh Pant
Barbara Noble
Boakesey Closs
Bob Pembroke
Bob Tateson
Cathy Cade
Christine Nedahl
Christopher Fielden
David Ball
David Fielden
David Silver
Eileen Baldwin
Gail Wareham Everett
Glo Curl
Grant O’Townson
Jacek Wilkos
Johanna McDonald
John Notley
Joyce Bingham
Julie Dron
Kate McDonald
Kay Reeves
Kelly Jeanne
Kim Hart
Kiran Ramachandran
Klaus Gehling
Lesley Anne Truchet
Lynda Nash
Lynn Zeleski
Maggie Elliott
Malcolm Richardson
Mandy Garzia
Mark Rutterford
Michael Rumsey
Mike Scott Thomson
Paul Mastaglio
Peter James Corbally
Sandra Orellana
Sara Ali
Sarah Mosedale
Shanne Wolberg
Susannah Plomer-Fielden
Tony Thatcher
Val Fish
Ville Nummenpää
Yvonne Mastaglio

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Competition Winners

Competition Winner Trophies

Details of our Facebook group flash fiction contest winners have now been moved to a new dedicated page.

See the new competition winners' page here.

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Gail's Gladiators

Gail's Gladiators

Gail's Gladiators has now moved to its own dedicated page.

See the new Gladiator page here.

Gail's Gladiators was the brain child of Gail Everett who was a long standing member of the admin team. Sadly, she passed away in January 2021 and is greatly missed. Gladiators continues in her memory.

Gail Everett

You can learn more about Gail on our member profiles page.

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Author Profiles

Author profiles, which features biographies from some of the Facebook group's most active members, now has its own dedicated page.

See the new author profiles page here.

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This page may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy.

Leave your comments

Please use the form below to leave your comments. All comments will be reviewed so won't appear on the page instantly. I will not share your details with anyone else. Most recent comments appear at the bottom of the page, oldest at the top.

Your Details:

Please prove you're a human by entering the security code in the box below: 3651


Your comments:

Eileen B
You made my day.

May I say.

Thank you all.

I had a ball.

You gave me my 15 minutes of fame.

Glad  I came.

Seriously Chris, and the other authors. You made me proud to take part. Thank you.

Chris Fielden
Thank you, Eileen. And a poem too - we feel spoilt :-)

Eileen B
Thank you, Chris. I really wanted you all to know how much I am enjoying our group. Also, since I did your free course, I really am enjoying writing.

Chris Fielden
That's great to hear, thanks Eileen!

Mary F
What a fun feature! Good work.

Chris Fielden
Thanks, Mary :-)