Writing Challenges:
The terms and conditions for the writing challenges are simple. If you have any questions about them, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Submission of a story is taken as acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions.
The copyright of any story submitted to the writing challenges run on this website remains with the author.
When anthologies are published, the following wording appears on the copyright page in the book:
The copyright of each story published in this anthology remains with the author.
And, further down the page:
The rights of the writers of the short stories published in this anthology to be identified as the authors of their work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Each story included in a writing challenge anthology will be edited into a consistent, professional format for publication.
UK English spellings are used in all the books I publish.
Here are some of the other things I look at when preparing all my books for publication:
Abbreviations and Acronyms, Accents, Age, Apostrophes, Brackets, Can Not/Cannot, Capitals, Collective Nouns, Colons, Commas, Compass Points, Consistency, Dialogue, Exclamation Marks, Mum/mum, Dashes, Deja Vu, Ellipses, Font, Geography, Hyphens, Italics, It's/Its, Justification, Licence, Lists, Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss, No One, North, Numbers, OK/Okay, Oxford Comma, Paragraphs, Parentheses, Participles, Passive Voice, Semicolons, Spacing, Split Infinitives, Tenses, That, That or Which, Times, etcetera.
For example, I remove all the exclamation marks (well, 99.99% of them). You can learn why here.
I also remove all profanity and may reject stories if they are not suitable for young children. This is because all the writing challenges are shared with children and schools.
When you've submitted your story and I've published it on the website, I will ask you to confirm you're happy with its presentation. We can then discuss further edits if necessary.
If you do not respond, it will be assumed that you are happy with the presentation of your story.
If you are published through the writing challenges, you will be given the opportunity to join our Authors of the Flash Fiction Challenges Facebook group.
Joining the Facebook group is optional, not mandatory. If you would to join, please do so on Facebook.
When an anthology is launched, all the authors featured in the book will be given the opportunity to purchase the book. They will also be encouraged to actively promote the book. You can learn more about the book marketing process here.
Contributing authors do not have to buy the books they are published in, but any purchases are very much appreciated as they support charities and help all the authors in the books gain access to a wider readership for their work.
Every writer that submits a story to one of the writing challenges will be added to my email list so they receive updates about the challenges. Every email I send out has an easy unsubscribe option.
I will not knowingly share any of your personal details with anyone else. For further information, please review my privacy policy.
By submitting, the author warrants that their story is original, fictional, and entirely their own work. The author warrants that the story they have submitted does not infringe the copyright or any other rights of any third party and is not libellous, unlawful or defamatory of any living person or corporate body.
By submitting a story to any of the writing challenges run on this website, the author hereby acknowledges and agrees that, free of any fees or royalty payments, they grant Christopher Fielden the right to publish their flash fiction story and biography:
If I want to use your story for anything else, I will contact you and ask for your permission to use it.
The author is free to do whatever they want with their stories at any time - they are simply granting me permission to publish their work.
Jessica L
Hello, I am interested in submitting flash fiction for your sensory writing challenge. How do I send it?
Chris Fielden
Hi Jessica. All the details of how to submit are on the sensory challenge page.
You just fill in the comments form on that page.
I'll look forward to reading your story :)
I am intrested, please tell me the criteria and how to submit. Thanks.
Chris Fielden
Hi Rameez. All the rules and details of how to submit are on the page relating to each challenge. Please read them there.
Chris C
Privacy policy
Every effort has been taken to provide the freshest possible story for your entertainment. Please consider the suitability of the subject matter for your tastes. The story contains an exciting section and readers with nervous predispositions should consider this carefully, as we accept no liability for any pre-existing health problems. The story should not be read whilst driving or operating dangerous machinery.
If you prefer to read our privacy policy instead of the story it is available at www...
Chris Fielden
That, Chris, is a short story in itself :-)
Good morning! I'd like to submit my challenge story. I cannot find were to submit. Could you please guide me? Thank you! Warm regards.
Chris Fielden
Hi Esther. Thanks for your interest in the challenges.
To submit, go to the page of the challenge you want to submit to. Then send your story in the comments form, like you did when you sent me this message.
Alternatively, you can email me your submission, but please make it clear which challenge you are submitting to in your email.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'll look forward to receiving your story :-)
Victoria R
As an absolute first timer for submitting, but actually writing for many, many years, I would like to ask if you have an opinion or advice on where / how I should begin? Thankyou.
PS. I've been using your site as my guiding light into the world of creative writing /publishing. So, many thanks.
Chris Fielden
Hi Victoria. Well, I was about to suggest my writing challenges, and then I saw that you'd submitted already, so you beat me to it :-)
Next, I'd recommend joining a writing group and getting some feedback on your stories. Then start submitting them to competitions. The only way to learn and improve is to practice, get your work out there and take feedback on board. That's the best advice I can give really.
You may find my 'how to' book helpful - you can order a free 12,000 word taster in the books section of the site. And I'm also developing a short story writing course that I hope to release by the end of the year. So that may be of interest to you too - there will be more news on my site about that as it progresses.
Really glad to hear you're using the site - I hope you're finding it helpful.
Kirti C
What benefit do we gain by submitting to the challenges? Is there any cash prize or profit share from book sales benefitting the author or not?
Chris Fielden
Hi Kirti. The challenges are all run in support of charity, so there is no prize or cash payment.
What you gain is the experience of being published in a globally distributed book alongside some other fabulous authors. And your work supports some fantastic good causes.
I hope that is of interest to you, but if not, no worries - I wish you the best of luck with your writing.
Hi. I'm interested in submitting my story for the competition. What is the max age limit?
Chris Fielden
Hi Thomas. There is no age limit for the To Hull And Back Competition. And there are no age limits on any of the writing challenges, apart from the Amazing Young Writers Challenge which is for students up to the age of 18.
Chloe S
Autism is my superpower, it will not hold me back. When people don't understand, it means they are thinking why not what.
Chris Fielden
A great attitude to have, Chloe - I wish you all the best with your writing. You'd be welcome to submit to my writing challenges, if you'd like to :-)
Rutvi K
Hi Chris, is this competition still open? My daughter is into creating writing and would like to submit her story.
Chris Fielden
Hi Rutvi. Thank you for your message. If you're referring to my challenge for young writers, then yes, it is still open. You can find all the details of how to submit your daughter's work on the Amazing Young Writers Challenge page.
If you have any other questions, please let me know :)
Haris N
Hi, is everyone entitled to get a certificate from your side?
Chris Fielden
Hi Haris. Thank you for your message.
Everyone who submits to the Amazing Young Writers Challenge receives a certificate when their work is published.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Haris N
Great, thank you so much!
Chris Fielden
No problem, Haris, you're welcome :-)
Kate B
What a great opportunity to raise money for charity and have fun along the way, Chris! Ooops, there goes an exclamation mark. I agree about them being overused.
Thank you again, and I'll wait to see if my story makes the cut.
Chris Fielden
Thanks, Kate. I will forgive the exclamation mark on this occasion :)
I've published your story and emailed confirmation - thanks for submitting, it's greatly appreciated. All the best to you.
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Please use the form below to leave your comments. All comments will be reviewed so won't appear on the page instantly. I will not share your details with anyone else. Most recent comments appear at the bottom of the page, oldest at the top.