Writing Challenges:
author pictures - reader pictures - submit your pictures - why this page exists
This page features pictures of some of the authors that are featured in the anthologies produced via the writing challenges on this website.
It also features pictures of readers with the writing challenge books they have purchased.
Sometimes, the pictures will be taken in front of famous landmarks or in amazing places. The aim is to get the writing challenge books pictured at every corner of the Earth.
Want to help facilitate this delicious plan? If so, buy an anthology, take a picture of you and your book somewhere wonderful and submit it.
The pictures are presented in alphabetical order, based on the author's forename.
Author, Allen Ashley, presenting an array of writing challenge anthologies in London, UK
"Pick a book, any book," said Allen, dancing a jig in his garden like an overexcited leprechaun, before the photographer, his wise better-half, told him to behave more appropriately.
Hence, we get to revel in the delightful juxtaposition between the 2 pictures above. An impersonation of a magician -vs- an impression of someone who is sensible. Glorious.
Author, Andre Othenin-Girard, pictured in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia
Who says writers are technologically backward? Liars, that's who.
In this image, Andre clearly demonstrates how technologically adept he is, by sporting a Kindle eBook copy of Tritely Challenged Volume 1 on his balcony, overlooking Lismore, New South Wales, in Australia.
Andre is a writer. He reads books on a computer. A computer that is small and quite hard to use. This proves us writers are all at the cutting edge of technological advancement. Thank you, Andre.
Author, Angela Googh, at Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada
In this picture, Angela is displaying her debut publishing achievements – Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 and Tritely Challenged Volume 1. It's always a pleasure to publish someone for the first time – let's hope these are the first of many.
Author, Captain Beany, in Newbury, UK
The legend that is Captain Beany, pictured with Martin Strike and Chris Fielden at Martin's nonsense party at the Donnington Grove in Newbury, UK. The Captain (yes, he has changed his name by deed poll, so is officially Captain Beany) has 60 baked beans tattooed on his head and runs the Baked Bean Museum of Excellence in Port Talbot, Wales.
I thought I was a nutter. After meeting the Cap, I realise I'm quite normal. Thanks Cap.
Author, Christopher Fielden, in Portishead, UK
Chris, the madman writer behind these challenges, pictured at Battery Point in Portishead, on the edge of the Bristol Channel, clutching a copy of Adverbially Challenged Volume 1 and Adverbially Challenged Volume 2.
In the distance, on the horizon, you can just make out the country of Wales.
Author, John Notley, in Surrey, UK
The legend that is John Notley, clasping a copy of Tritely Challenged Volume 1. John is one of the authors who has contributed to every challenge and featured in most of the anthologies we've published.
Author, Kathryn Watson (right), pictured in France with Lesley Truchet and Chris Fielden
Kathryn is a writer featured in Adverbially Challenged Volume 2. She is also Daisy Garland's aunt.
The Daisy Garland is the charity the nonsense writing challenge supports. The charity was set up in memory of Daisy Garland, who suffered with epilepsy. Lesley and Kathryn are friends who live near one another in France, which is why Lesley chose to support the charity with the challenge.
Author, Lesley Truchet, in the medieval village of Villeneuve, France
Lesley, the creator of the nonsense writing challenge, pictured in a medieval village in France with her copy of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1. These pictures were taken moments before Lesley used the book as a battering ram to try and bust through the portcullis behind her. Unsurprisingly, the book didn't make a great weapon, even when the portcullis was up, so Lesley's siege of Villeneuve is likely to continue for decades.
Author, Maria Carvalho, somewhere in the US of A
Tickled by adverbial overloadage, Maria is now addicted to words ending in 'ly'. She is trying to fight the addiction (reading Adverbially Challenged Volume 4 is probably not the best way to go about this, Maria...) and we're raising funds for a writing rehab facility.
Author, Martin Strike, in Newbury, UK
A delightful picture of writing legend and Newbury dweller, Martin, perusing the fine stories held within the satirical tome that is Adverbially Challenged Volume 2.
This picture was taken in his garden, in Newbury in the UK. Splendid stuff.
Author, Michael Rumsey, in Athens, Greece
Michael, legend that he is, supplied his own caption, saving my tiny brain valuable word creation capacity. Michael said:
My friend's monumental bookcase contains many adverbs but, being all Greek to me, are mostly nonsensical.
Author, RE Nots, in a living room somewhere in the UK
RE Nots (his name is in there somewhere...) proffering a copy of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1 in the highly exciting location that is his living room.
Mr Nots Esq and I have known each other since we were about 5. We went to primary school in Portishead and have tolerated each other for decades. Some kind of award is probably in order. For both of us.
Author, Sandra Orellana, in Mexico
Sandra, pictured after receiving her copy of Adverbially Challenged Volume 1 in Mexico. This is the first author picture I received. Sandra sent it to me after we'd liaised a lot due to her having difficulty getting the book delivered to Mexico. It took months, but got there in the end. Receiving this picture inspired me to create this page. So it's all Sandra's fault :-)
Author, Sandra Orellana, taking a break from tennis and reading
This is another picture of Sandra, showing how she likes to multitask by playing tennis and reading at the same time. Do not try this at home. It's dangerous. Sandra is a professional. Copy her at your own risk...
Author, Sandra Orellana, in Mexico, with a copy of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1
Sandra, pictured outside a beautiful casa in Mexico, with an equally beautiful book, filled to the brim with nonsensical stories. I hope Sandra's prolific photo taking and support of this balmy page inspires others to subit their pictures and join in the fun.
Author, Sandra Orellana, in Mexico, taking another break from tennis to read a writing challenge anthology
She's at it again... LEGEND.
Author, Scarlett Fielden, with her deranged uncle on day release, in Portishead, UK
Scarlett, and her sister Elspeth, sold their dolls house on eBay and donated the profit to The Daisy Garland, the charity the nonsense challenge supports. Just after that, Scarlett contributed to Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2, so is featured here in the author section, proffering a copy of a nonsensically overloaded tome.
Do you have at least 1 eye that works? If so, you can probably read. Reading is fun.
If you like fun, buy an anthology, enjoy the 100 flash fiction stories contained in it and then take a selfie, or ask someone else to photograph you, while clasping your book, preferably while smiling inanely in front of an iconic landmark.
Your picture will be featured here. You can see how to submit your pictures below.
Reader, Ana Maria Becerril Morales with Author, Sandra Orellana, in Mexico
Ana Maria Becerril is a student and friend of Sandra Orellana, one of the writers featured in many of the writing challenge anthologies. Due to the difficulties of getting copies of the book delivered to Mexico, where they both live, Ana orders copies of the book and has them delivered to her family home in the USA. When she visits the family, Ana picks up the books and takes them to Mexico.
The picture on the left is of Ana, with a book delivery, having arrived in Mexico after a trip to the USA. The right picture is of Sandra, with one of the books she is featured in.
Have you written a story that's published in one of the writing challenge anthologies?
Are you a reader who enjoys inventive flash fiction?
If the answer to either of the questions above is yes, have you purchased an anthology?
If not, buy one.
If you have an anthology, take it somewhere lovely and take a picture of yourself with it.
Send it to me at chris@christopherfielden.com.
I'll publish it here.
Sandra Orellana inspired this page when she sent me a photo of herself with her book. You can see it above.
However, there is more to the story than that...
I play in a band called Ye Gods! When we got our first run of band T-shirts printed up, back in 2004, we asked our fans to take pictures of themselves wearing their shirts in front of famous land marks. We received hundreds of photos taken all over the planet; on different continents, in a volcano, with celebrities, at the bottom of the ocean, etc. I'm not making this up...
Jase of Spades, at the bottom of the ocean in Rarotonga
Mega Geoff, being strangled by David Prowse (Darth Vader)
Beast Clothing, a fabulous brand in Bristol, do similar things on their website. I actually modelled one of their shirts. You can learn about that here...
Chris Fielden, Beast Clothing advert, atop the Empire State Building, New York, USA
So, the idea draws on my experience with Ye Gods! and Beast Clothing, as well as Sandra's picture. Let's see if books can inspire people in the same way :-)
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