'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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81words - Stories Page 10

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An attempt to set a World Record for the most contributing authors published in an anthology

Full details about the 81 word writing challenge and the world record attempt can be found on the main 81words writing challenge page.

81 Word Stories – 901 to 1,000

Most of the tenth collection of 100 stories (stories 901 to 1,000) received via the 81 words writing challenge was removed from this website on 28th May 2021. I have left all the contributing author names on this page - you can see a list below.

I have also left a few of the stories on the page for you to enjoy. I hope they will encourage you to purchase the anthology :-) Every book sold generates money for a very worthy charitable cause.

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology

You can learn more about the 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology here.

Story 901:


by Natalie Marshall

“Sorry, you have been unsuccessful.”

I had no reply.

I needed the tears and doubt blown away. Find a new course. Beginning again, starting from scratch. Painful and heart-breaking – these words just don’t cut it.

I know the breeze and the sea are not people. But they are the most comfort. They embrace me and listen. All that can be done for me at the moment. All that will help to fix me.

Then, the beach was deemed out of bounds.

Story 919:


by Marie Arbon

“Mummy, why do I have two mummies?” whispers Sebastian.

“Seb, Emily and I love each other and you, so very much.”

“I know, I love you both too, but why do I have another you, Mummy?”

“You don’t, silly. Come on, time for bed.”

Mummy turns on the nightlight and closes the door. “Sweet dreams.”

A shuffle. Mummy Shadow appears from underneath the bed.

She grips his hand tightly. “Remember, Mummy will love you forever.”

Sebastian shivers, closes his eyes tightly.

Story 937:


by Michele Kelly

I am about to walk into the room of my life’s accomplishments.

I turn the metal knob, scorchingly cold, of a heavy wooden door. I expect a packed room. Like a hard-core hoarder in winter.

Scenes flash. Three children. The one man I ever loved. Words written. A business.

The door breathes a skinny whine.

The room is empty. Dead air.

“Have I done nothing?” I ask Him.

“The room is not empty.”

“It is,” I say defeatedly.

“You are here.”

Story 946:


by Alison Reese

Authors often say their characters take on a life of their own, dictating their own story.

“Rubbish,” I scoffed, “I’m writing it, I decide.”

Apparently, my characters disagreed, as I find myself trapped within my words, a hostage to the characters I created. All attempts to break free have failed.

“What did you expect?” laughed my main protagonist. “You’re the one who insisted that the author writes the story.”

I pondered this. “But, if I’m here, then who’s writing it now?”

Story 971:


by Meredith Argent

Night prowled in, the moon in his hand and stars glistening in his fathomless eyes. A foreboding creature, he swept his shadow across the town, throwing his soul over the world, and the Earth fell upon its knees.

Night kicked out Day as if she were a mere twinkle of dust and killed the sky, ripping it in half and exposing the black abyss behind. The sky had no choice but to obey him – Night had come to seize the day.

Story 983:


by Livia Furia

I was half asleep when I heard the bedroom door open and something jumped onto the bed.


There was no answer. I felt steps, perfectly measured, crossing the bed from one end to the other.


The intruder carefully climbed onto my chest and curled up. She was heavy and cold. She sighed softly when I moved.

I jumped out of bed screaming at the top of my lungs. I had buried Hegel in the garden almost two months ago.

Story 988:


by Mohamed Atta Amer

A thief entered the home of an old lady who lived alone. He stole clothes and some bread, then ran away beneath moonlight.

The old lady stood behind the window, watching the thief running between fields. She looked at her necklace and said, “Ah, if you’d sat for a while and talked to me, I would have given you this necklace even though you wanted to steal from me, because I haven’t seen anyone who is interested in me for years.”

Story 1,000:


by Anna Capstick

When does enough become enough? When the eyes which once sparkled are flooded with rain? When your inner lifeguard turns his back and leaves you drowning in your worries? Or when you begin to disintegrate under the merciless words which tear you apart?

Perhaps when the passion which once drove you burns out, or when you wither away at the thought of fighting that same battle continuously, or when staying silent becomes the easier option.

Maybe that’s when enough becomes enough.

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Tenth 100 Contributing Author Names

Here is a list of the tenth pen of 100 contributing authors, listed in the order their stories appear in the book:

  1. Natalie Marshall
  2. Phil Thomas
  3. Rosie Arcane
  4. David Lowis
  5. Lim Swee Kim
  6. Cheah Yin Mee
  7. Christina M. Y. Chow
  8. Shahnaz Ali
  9. Jasmine Tan Chin Chwee
  10. Jennifer P. L. Leong
  11. Olatz Irigarai
  12. Emma Nokes
  13. Rachel Wood
  14. Rob Vogt
  15. Janet L Davies
  16. Jane Fell
  17. Catrin Rutland
  18. Annie Francis
  19. Marie Arbon
  20. Andrew Dawkins
  21. Ali Clarke
  22. Liz Howard
  23. Shobha Wilson
  24. Ceris Brewis
  25. Kay Sandry
  26. Jodi Novak
  27. Tamsin Partington
  28. David Brewis
  29. Maya Barnett
  30. Claire Schön
  31. Danielle Linsey
  32. Lena MacDonald
  33. Jenny Drury
  34. Dorothy Francis
  35. Duane L. Herrmann
  36. Marci Girton
  37. Michele Kelly
  38. Pamela Hibbert
  39. Colleen Hue
  40. Ixai Salvo
  41. Jennifer Hankin
  42. Jake Cosmos Aller
  43. Sarah Engeham
  44. David Vargas Alfonso
  45. Sarah Hoad
  46. Alison Reese
  47. Katie Singer
  48. Julia Graves
  49. Sam May
  50. Jeff Kemp
  51. Elena Zhuang
  52. Avery Pryce
  53. Arya Amlani
  54. Zoe J Walker
  55. Cynthia Akagi
  56. Myron Dunavan
  57. Kate Hamilton
  58. Linda Hibbin
  59. Don Marler
  60. Jonathan Fryer
  61. Richard Anthony Morris
  62. Adam Waters
  63. Sarah Charmley
  64. Tamires Cunha
  65. L J McQueen
  66. Wyatt Payne
  67. Tony Tremblett
  68. Neil Goodwin
  69. Penelope Henry
  70. N. J. Spencer
  71. Meredith Argent
  72. Brian Mackinney
  73. Mehak Vijay Chawla
  74. Melissa Odom
  75. Imogen Argent
  76. Ankush Vijay Chawla
  77. IR Belletti
  78. James Pemberton
  79. Sandee Lee
  80. Alan Greaves
  81. Robert Brewis
  82. Fliss Zakaszewska
  83. Livia Furia
  84. Sophie Scriven
  85. Alex Fullerton
  86. Heather Haigh
  87. Ian Buzard
  88. Mohamed Atta Amer
  89. Geoff Holme
  90. Cheryl Buck
  91. Roger West
  92. Elizabeth Stanley
  93. Grannd Kane
  94. Susanne Berger
  95. Jaimen Shires
  96. Jessica Kirby
  97. CJ Nicol
  98. Charlotte Ella Read
  99. Becky Benishek
  100. Anna Capstick

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Your comments:

Phil T
Thanks for adding my story, Chris (902). I look forward to the book when the 1000 mark is reached. Phil.

Chris Fielden
No problem, Phil - thank you for submitting :-)

Rosie A
Hi Chris, thanks so much for including my story (903). Not far off that 1000 mark now, I can't wait to see the book when it's published. Rosie.

Chris Fielden
No problem, Rosie, thanks for submitting :-)

Emma N
Hi Chris, thank you so much for including my story in your challenge. I really appreciate it and can't wait to read the finished book.

Chris Fielden
No problem, Emma. Thank you for submitting - very much appreciated :-)

Catrin R
Thank you so much for publishing my work, I am enjoying reading the stories.

Chris Fielden
No problem, Catrin - thank you for submitting :-)

Colleen H
I felt quite thrilled that you included my story (936), Chris.  Thank you so much, and I eagerly await the finished book.

Chris Fielden
No problem at all, Colleen - thank you for submitting :-)

Duane L H
In my fifty years of writing (and being published), I've avoided prompts and challenges (unless assigned in a class), but lately, retired and confined as we all are, I have begun to participate. I find the word limits the most interesting challenges. What words are absolutely necessary, or not, to tell the story? That has begun to intrigue me. And the possibility of seeing the words posted is its own reward.

Thank you, dlh...

Chris Fielden
You're welcome, Duane. Thank you for participating :-)

Brian M
Thank you Chris for including my story in the 81 word challenge. I would welcome a relationship with someone who has a particular interest in helping a Drabble writer.

Thanking you, Brian M

Chris Fielden
No problem, Brian. Thank you very much for submitting :-)

Ian B
Thanks Chris, this is a great challenge.

Chris Fielden
No problem, Ian. Thanks for submitting :-)

Becky B
Thank you so much for including my story (#999) in this awesome collection. What a delightful challenge. I'm excited for the anthology!

Chris Fielden
No problem, Becky - thank you for submitting :)