'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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About Jinxremover

Jinxremover are a speed-metal 3 piece, playing Motorhead-esque original rock and roll far too loudly. It’s lots of fun to be a part of and we’ve done some very short recording sessions which have produced some of the best drum takes I’ve ever laid down.


From left to right: James Childs, Simon Hedges, Chris Fielden

Procrastination can be the death of creativity, said the wise drummer. However, it is said that ‘wise’ and ‘drummer’ are two words which have no business forming sentences together, much like ‘fun’ and ‘run’. ‘Free’ and ‘beer’ is a different story. These are two words which should party together on a regular basis. I digress...

Jinxremover live in Spain on Spitfire European Tour 2007

From left to right: Owen Street, Chris Fielden, James Childs

I’m happy to say James is in agreement with me on the point of procrastination, which makes our recording sessions a lot of fun.


Here are some of the videos we've made over the years.


Many of the Jinxremover songs are written about war planes, due to James's interest in the history of World War II. Below is the video we used for Messerschmitt, borrowing the footage from the 1968 masterpiece, The Battle of Britain. I actually prefer the version with English lyrics as it seems to flow better to me, but the original was recorded in German as it seemed apt at the time. I think it contains one of the best riffs James has ever written.

You can buy the Messerschmitt album on iTunes.


Spitfire is, as the name might suggest to the more educated visitors to this site, another song about a warplane. It was originally an Airbus song, written when we were 16 years old, but we re-recorded it in 2006.

You can buy the Spitfire album on iTunes.


This is a recording from 2007 when we played in Bilbao, in the Basque Country in Spain, at the end of the Spitfire European tour. The sound quality isn't great, but the video does capture the energy of Jinxremover performances.

You can buy the Hospital Radio album on iTunes.

To Hull & Back Short Story Competition Videos, Featuring Jinxremover Songs

I use instrumental versions of Jinxremover songs for all the annual To Hull & Back short story competition videos.

This first video uses instrumental versions of 'Messerschmitt' (from the album, Messerschmitt) and 'Intro to Nothing' (from the album, Spitfire).

The second video uses instrumental versions of 'Killing Me' (Spitfire) and 'Pig Club' (Messerschmitt).


Space Bacon Videos, Featuring Jinxremover Songs

At the beginning of 2013, two Jinxremover songs were used as the soundtrack in videos about sending bacon into space.

You can see the Space Bacon video below:

The songs are 'Killing Me' (from Spitfire) and Fallen (which will appear on the Achten Mienen album).

Jinxremover discography

Hospital Radio (2006)

Jinxremover Hospital Radio LP CD album cover artwork

Spitfire (2006)

Jinxremover Spitfire LP CD album cover artwork

Messerschmitt (2008)

Jinxremover Messerschmitt LP CD album cover artwork

Achten Mienen (TBC no picture available)

Jinxremover on iTunes

You can buy all the Jinxremover albums on iTunes.


James Childs - guitar and vocals

Chris Fielden - drums

Simon Hedges - bass

Jinxremover before show at The Louisiana in Bristol

From left to right: James Childs, Simon Hedges, Chris Fielden

Owen Street - bass

Jinxremover Owen Street, Chris Fielden, James Childs, Spitfire Tour, Spain 2007

From left to right: Owen Street, Chris Fielden, James Childs

Simon played bass on most of the albums Jinxremover has recorded and released. Owen has played on tour with us in Europe when Simon was unavailable. They're both awesome bass masters.

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