81 Words Flash Fiction Writing Challenge – Stories Page 3

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An attempt to set a World Record for the most contributing authors published in an anthology

Full details about the 81 word writing challenge and the world record attempt can be found on the main 81words writing challenge page.

81 Word Stories – 201 to 300

Most of the third collection of 100 stories (stories 201 to 300) received via the 81 words writing challenge was removed from this website on 27th May 2021. I have left all the contributing author names on this page - you can see a list below.

I have also left a few of the stories on the page for you to enjoy. I hope they will encourage you to purchase the anthology 🙂 Every book sold generates money for a very worthy charitable cause.

You can learn more about the 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology here. The book was published by Victorina Press.

Story 201:


by Shaun Clarke

She'd found him strewn over the bath, pacified, motionless.

"Tim?" She panicked, before telling herself he's a joker.

"Tim?" she enquired, standing back, smiling hysterically.

She frowned…

"Timmy Sharpe, stop it now." Then she spotted the telling blood.

He was announced dead on arrival at hospital.

When she learned he'd died of liver cancer, she remembered he'd complained about a pain which they never took seriously. She closed her eyes in absolute agony. There was always something more important to do.

Story 205:


by Chris Cantor

Every effort has been taken to provide the freshest possible story for your entertainment. Please consider the suitability of the subject matter for your tastes. The story contains an exciting section and readers with nervous predispositions should consider this carefully, as we accept no liability for causation or exacerbations of health problems. The story should not be read whilst driving or operating dangerous machinery.

If you prefer to read our privacy policy instead of the story it is available at www…

Story 221:


by Johanna McDonald

I like writing. I have submitted some of my stories to competitions and enjoy writing for themed challenges. There is, however, one thing that I cannot abide and that's a writing challenge that specifies a set number of words.

An exact word count is my pet hate. "Use this many words, no more, no less." Whatever happened to freedom of choice? It's like living in a dictatorship. Nothing stifles creativity more and I absolutely refuse to participate in such restrictive challenges.

Story 240:


by Chris Tattersall

I was once so full of life. I felt healthy but, in a devastating turn, it ended too soon.

My death came quickly and, thankfully, without pain, but it saddened me that nobody cared. I grieved for my own demise with a journey through the five arduous stages of loss – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance that my life was over. Yet again.

I had to wait. Soon, I would be rewarded with a new life. Candy Crush does that.

Story 269:


by Gillian M Seed

They painted the room sunflower yellow. Back when they still hoped, she would stand inside and imagine what the future would be like. Crayon marks on the paintwork, juice spilled on the carpet. He caught her in there once and laughed, but it was indulgent laughter. Sharing her dreams.

He paints the room magnolia. Neutral, sensible magnolia. A blank canvas, according to those interminable property programmes they watch instead of talking.

They tell themselves having a spare room will be useful.

Story 300:


by Jackie Batteiger

She sits, alone, just enjoying the peace and quiet. With closed eyes, she lets her breath flow in and out. She just enjoys the silence. Restorative silence. She realises that old song is true: 'You don't know what you got till it's gone.'

Gently, nodding her head, a power ballad from the '90s fills her mind. She dares not sing out loud and break the silence.

"Mummy, where are you?"

And with a deep sigh, she stands and flushes the toilet.

81 Words Flash Fiction Writing Challenge – Third 100 Contributing Author Names

Here is a list of the third pen of 100 contributing authors, listed in the order their stories appear in the book:

  1. Shaun Clarke
  2. Prajith Menon
  3. Kathryn Evans
  4. Hazel Turner
  5. Chris Cantor
  6. Stuart Atkinson
  7. Joyce Walker
  8. Sally Skeptic
  9. Michael Ward
  10. Ron Smith
  11. Bryan Keefe
  12. Rajagopal Kaimal
  13. S. M. Chiles
  14. Louise Furre
  15. Ania Kovas
  16. Margee Unger
  17. RK
  18. Lucinda Thelwell
  19. Jason B
  20. Phoebe Tatham
  21. Johanna McDonald
  22. Akindu Perera
  23. Shannon J Alger
  24. Louise Snape
  25. Jack Dabell
  26. B. P. Garcia
  27. Gary McGrath
  28. Carolyn Roden
  29. Kwame M.A. McPherson
  30. Stefan Dimitrov
  31. Josh Leeson
  32. Niina Olenbluu
  33. Martin Strike
  34. Alexio Gomes
  35. T.L. Shenkin
  36. Devin Greene
  37. Angela P Googh
  38. Ahmad Abu Sharkh
  39. A. Gustafson
  40. Chris Tattersall
  41. Max Dobb
  42. Oriel Dobb
  43. Sarah Burrett
  44. Lisa Stone
  45. Meg Gain
  46. Janet Lister
  47. Chloe Nkomo
  48. Jade Swann
  49. Pat Hough
  50. Ian Andrew
  51. Alan Pattison
  52. Jasmine Hunt
  53. Matthew Kerns
  54. Dee Tilsley
  55. Kailin Guo
  56. Brian Johnstone
  57. Charlie Taylor
  58. Rebecca Krohman
  59. Jeffrey H. Toney
  60. Chris McLoughlin
  61. Marieta Maglas
  62. Bruce Wyness
  63. David Conway
  64. Madeleine McCabe
  65. Sarah Littleton
  66. Ash Gray
  67. Cristina Bresser
  68. Aleah Bingham
  69. Gillian M Seed
  70. Glynis Ann Downey
  71. Hannah Brown
  72. Jennifer Riddalls
  73. William Telford
  74. Jessica Everitt
  75. Irene Banfield
  76. Jonathan Hastings
  77. Stephanie Potts
  78. Christina Burton
  79. Jessica Richard
  80. Tiarnán Murphy
  81. Lorraine Smith
  82. Lindy Gibbon
  83. John Mark Miller
  84. Vesper Wunderlin
  85. Bridget Blankley
  86. Robert Alan Ryder
  87. Alicia McGrath
  88. Ray Sarlin
  89. Charlie Turner
  90. Paul Mastaglio
  91. Lynne Chitty
  92. Dimiana Wassef
  93. Aaron McDermott
  94. Justyce Solomon
  95. Erin Hardman
  96. Jordan Bahnub
  97. David Guilfoyle
  98. David Batteiger
  99. Libby Batteiger
  100. Jackie Batteiger

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