81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology

Saboteur Awards Best Anthology 2022

The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology is a book containing 1,000 stories written by 1,000 authors, published by Victorina Press. This world record-breaking collection results from seven years of hard work and the generosity of writers living all over the world - a truly global collaboration.

"The quality and variety of stories in this book is magnificent and I love the mini biography for each author after their short story."
Bruce Millar, Amazon customer

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology, 1000 Stories by 1000 Authors

I'm pleased to present the 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology, a book containing 1,000 stories written by 1,000 authors. This book is the result of almost seven years of hard work and the generosity of writers living all over the world - a truly global collaboration.

The anthology contains 1,000 stories that are exactly 81 words in length. The book was officially published on 20th November 2021.

The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology sets a new 'unofficial' world record for the most contributing authors published in a book. You can learn more about why the record is unofficial by reading the anthology's introduction.

81 logo from the 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology - cover artwork by Jacek Wilkos

The book was published by Victorina Press, an independent UK publisher who follow the principles of bibliodiversity (the cultural diversity applied to the writing and publishing world, developed by a group of Chilean independent publishers). Because there are authors from many different countries featured in the book, this felt like the perfect project for them to be involved with.

Victorina Press logo purple

I'd like to thank VP's Managing Director, Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes, and the rest of the Victorina Press team (Sophie, Jorge, Pagen and Amanda) for supporting this project and publishing the anthology. Their involvement adds credibility to the world record attempt and will help the book (and every author featured in it) gain more exposure.

Where to Buy the 81 Words Anthology

The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology is available in print and eBook formats.

Proceeds from book sales will be donated to the Arkbound Foundation, a charity that aims to widen access to literature and improve diversity within publishing by running projects that empower people from disadvantaged backgrounds and deprived communities to get their voices heard.

eBook Copies of the Anthology

Kindle eBook copies of the book can be purchased here (UK) and here (rest of world):

The book can be bought from all of Amazon's websites. You can find it by searching for the book by name or the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):


You don't have to own a Kindle to read this version of the anthology - you can download a free Kindle app that works on most modern devices.

Printed Copies of the Anthology

You can buy paperback copies of the book from Victorina Press. (Sadly, Victorina Press closed in 2024, so the book is no longer available from them - instead, you can buy the book from Amazon.)

81 Words Victorina Press

The book is also avialble from many good book shops, like Foyles and Waterstones in the UK. You can also buy paperbacks from Amazon.

The book's ISBN is:


About the 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology

The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology contains 1,000 stories submitted to the 81 Words writing challenge.

The challenge was conceived by Adam Rubinstien, a self-professed educational basket-case from the ’70s who says he finds his sense of meaning and well-being through creativity.

81words / 81 Words logo

The original logo from Adam's 81words.net website

The 81 Words writing challenge was originally launched in 2015 on 81words.net. It became part of my website in April 2017 and I soon developed the challenge into a world record attempt for the most contributing authors published in an anthology. The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology was published in November 2021.

The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology is the sixteenth writing challenge book to be launched in support of charity on this website. You can find out how much money we've raised in total on the main writing challenges page.

I would like to say a big thank you to Angela Googh and Dr Lynda Nash for their help proofreading the book. I'd also like to thank Ange for her hard work coding the eBook version of this anthology for publication.

81words long logo

You can find a lot more information about the 81 Words writing challenge, including why it's an 'unofficial' world record attempt, by reading the introduction in the book or visiting the 81 Words challenge page.

Sabotage Reviews Saboteur Awards Best Anthology shortlist

In April 2022, the 81 Words Anthology was shortlisted in the 'Best Anthology' category of the Saboteur Awards, run by Sabotage Reviews. And on 14th May 2022, the book was announced as the winner. So it is now a world-record-breaking AND award-winning anthology.

Saboteur Awards Best Anthology 2022

Victorina Press also won the 'Most Innovative Publisher' category, which is fantastic news.

I couldn't attend the award ceremony because I was at DT Langdale's wedding (author of story number 396), but Victorina Press were there to collect the awards.

Victorina Press at the Saboteur Awards

Sophie, Consuelo and Jorge from Victorina Press at the Saboteur Awards, with copious amounts of gin

VP kindly sent me the award to look after on behalf of all the authors involved in ther 81 Words Anthology shortly afterwards.

Editor Chris Fielden with Saboteur Award

Editor Chris Fielden looking suitably excited with the rather fantabulous Saboteur Award

In June 2022, the book was recognised by the World Record Academy for the most contributing authors published in a flash fiction anthology.

World Record Academy Logo

A couple of weeks later, the WRA asked me and Victorina Press for money to maintain the world record listing. This is a charity project that runs at a loss, so we didn't have any marketing budget to cover these types of expenses. Therefore, the WRA removed our listing from their website.

Many writers in the book have been sharing its details, which have helped sales. Here is an example; a marvellous picture of the University of Nottingham’s Sutton Bonington Campus Creative Writing Group. All the group members have contributed a story to the book.

Nottingham School of Biosciences Campus Creative Writing Group

Some writers have mentioned the book in interviews. An example is John Lane, author of story number 658. He was interviewed by P. English Literature, run by Peter Okwonkowith.

You can see the interview below. John talks about the book at approx. 9 mins 20 seconds.

How Book Sales Support Charity

For every book sold, Β£1 will be donated to the Arkbound Foundation.

Arkbound Foundation logo

You can learn more about the Arkbound Foundation on their website.

Book Launch Party

The book launch celebration was held on Zoom on Saturday 15th January 2022. We decided to hold the party online because the book features stories written by authors residing all over the world. We wanted to give them all the opportunity to attend and read their work.

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology Book Launch

he event was held in conjunction with Talking Tales, a long established story telling event run by Stokes Croft Writers.

There were some fabulous readings at the event. It was wonderful to hear such varied and amazing performances. I'd like to thank all the readers for sharing their time and their talent.

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology book launch Zoom screenshot

The readers were:

  • Chris Fielden (story 1 'One Previous Owner')
  • Allen Ashley (story 4, 'Remember Eighty-One?)
  • Lesley Anne Truchet (story 28, 'Tommy Tycoon'),
  • Ian Tucker (story 47, 'Furborg's Caution')
  • Smritirekha Talukdar (story 89, 'Warmth')
  • Adam Rubinstein (story 97, 'Love Torque')
  • HervΓ© Suys (story 109, 'Out of Isolation')
  • Sue Johnson (story 132, 'Hemlock')
  • Alice Penfold (story 142, 'The Cut')
  • Melanie Goodell (story 192, 'Finding the Water Dragon')
  • Malcolm Richardson (story 193, 'Airport')
  • Jeffrey H. Toney (story 259, 'A Few Steps to Paradise')
  • Paul Mastaglio (story 290, 'The Arrow')
  • Chris Espenshade (story 391, 'Piece Pipe')
  • DT Langdale (story 396, 'Tomorrow's a New Day')
  • Peter Gregory & David Gough (story 456, 'Catfish for Tea')
  • Laura Besley (story 472, 'Taken for a Ride')
  • Lee Kull (story 482, 'Poison Tongue')
  • Rosie Cullen (story 506, 'The Bridge')
  • Gary Couzens (story 513, 'Outside Her Window')
  • Lynne Arnot (story 532, 'Memorial')
  • Alan Dale (story 549, 'The Open Secret')
  • Noel Alcoba (story 557, 'Calling in Sick')
  • Natasha Nagle (story 594, 'The Duck's King')
  • David John Griffin (story 628, 'Extraordinary Event')
  • Adele Evershed (story 636, 'Becoming an Unbeliever')
  • Joyce Bingham (story 648, 'The Elephant in the Room')
  • Sarthak Das (story 638, 'Only Memories')
  • Toni Peers (story 657, 'Teenage Protection')
  • Peggy Gerber (story 772, 'The Most Delicious Turkey Leg')
  • Karen Waldron (story 774, 'The Heirloom')
  • Michele Witthaus (story 797, 'Alternative History')
  • David Viner (story 813, 'Infected')
  • Kate Leimer (story 863, 'Speaking of Love Lost for Words')
  • David Don (story 865, 'Recycling Not Disposing')
  • Boakesey (story 877, 'Too Much to Ask')
  • Yvonne Mastaglio (story 885, 'Race Day')
  • Catrin Rutland (story 917, 'The Age of Fear')
  • Duane L. Herrmann (story 935, 'The Singer')
  • Michele Kelly (story 937, 'Room at the End of the Hall')
  • Pamela Hibbert (story 938, 'High Stakes')
  • David Vargas Alfonso (story 944, 'Scientific Mantra')
  • Jonathan Fryer (story 960, 'Vegan Burgers')
  • Tony Tremblett (story 967, 'Words')
  • Roger West (story 991, 'Murder He Wrote')

For more information, please see the Facebook event.


Here are some videos of contributing authors reading their stories.

Story 001: One Previous Owner, by Christopher Fielden

Story 109: Out of Isolation, by HervΓ© Suys

Story 341: There's Something About Anne, by C.R. Berry

Story 456: Catfish 4 Tea, by Peter Gregory David Gough

Story 506: The Bridge, by Rosie Cullen

Story 532: Memorial, by Lynne Arnot

Story 543: Gone, by Anna Sanderson

Story 549: The Open Secret, by Alan Dale

Story 594: The Duck's King, by Natasha Nagle

Story 624: Grandma's Friend, by Lynn Zeleski

Story 701: My Muse My Motivation, by Violet James

Story 898: Plus Ca Change, by Sean Tobias May

Story 937: Room at the End of the Hall, by Michele Kelly

The videos have been published on the Victorina Press YouTube channel. They were also used for promotional activities on Facebook and Twitter when the book was released.

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology Cover

The cover for the 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology was created by Jacek Wilkos.

Jacek Wilkos

Jacek Wilkos

Jacek Wilkos is an engineer from Poland. He lives with his wife and daughter in the beautiful city of Cracow. He is addicted to buying books. He loves black coffee, dark ambient music and riding his bike.

You can learn more about Jacek's artwork on his Facebook page.

Jacek is also one of the anthology's contributing authors - his story is number 856.

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology full book cover

81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology - 1,000 Stories by 1,000 Authors, Full Book Cover by Jacek Wilkos

The 1,000 Writers In The Anthology

Here is a (rather epic) list of the 1,000 contributing authors featured in the anthology. There are actually more than 1,000 writers in the book because some of the stories were written by two-person author teams. As mentioned further up this page, all the details are in the introduction of the book.

Here is the list, presented alphabetically based on first name / initial:

  1. A. A. Rubin
  2. A. Gustafson
  3. A.H. Creed
  4. Aaron McDermott
  5. Abby Shue
  6. Abhi Shan
  7. Abigail Rowe
  8. Abigail Williamson
  9. Adam Bevan
  10. Adam Down
  11. Adam Rubinstein
  12. Adam Waters
  13. Adam Wright-Johnson
  14. Adele Evershed
  15. Adrian Hallchurch
  16. Adrian Nichol
  17. Aerin Bernstein
  18. Ahmad Abu Sharkh
  19. Aigbonoga Omoh
  20. Aishwarya Harikumar
  21. Akindu Perera
  22. Alan Barker
  23. Alan Barker [Note: same name but a different human being to the previous Alan]
  24. Alan D. Przybylski
  25. Alan Dale
  26. Alan Greaves
  27. Alan Pattison
  28. Alan Ridley
  29. Alcuin Edwards
  30. Aleah Bingham
  31. Alex Blair
  32. Alex Fullerton
  33. Alexandra Klyueva
  34. Alexio Gomes
  35. Ali Bounds
  36. Ali Clarke
  37. Alice Hale
  38. Alice Payne
  39. Alice Penfold
  40. Alicia McGrath
  41. Alicia Sledge
  42. Alicia Yau
  43. Alison Clary
  44. Alison Reese
  45. Alison Wren
  46. Alistair Forsyth
  47. Allen Ashley
  48. Ally Cook
  49. Alyson Faye
  50. Amanda Garzia
  51. Amanda Huggins
  52. Amanita Peridot Festoon
  53. Amberlie Robinson
  54. Amelia Brown
  55. Amisha Bansal
  56. Ana D.
  57. Anastasia Bromberg
  58. Anastasia Mosher
  59. Andre Othenin-Girard
  60. Andrew Ball
  61. Andrew Carter
  62. Andrew Dawkins
  63. Andrew James Spence
  64. Andrew Jones
  65. Andrew McGill
  66. Andrew Perry
  67. Andrzej Christopher Marczewski
  68. Andy Langdale
  69. Angela P Googh
  70. Angelique Dusengimana
  71. Ani Martin
  72. Ania Kovas
  73. Anita Goveas
  74. Ankush Vijay Chawla
  75. Anna Capstick
  76. Anna Ferrar
  77. Anna Sanderson
  78. Anne Copeland
  79. Annie Francis
  80. Annika Franke
  81. Anu Roy
  82. Arlene Everingham
  83. Arthur KC Chan
  84. Arya Amlani
  85. Ash Gray
  86. Ashleigh Whittle
  87. Ashley Kim
  88. Ashley Scott
  89. Ashley Vohrer
  90. Ashutosh Pant
  91. Austrian Spencer
  92. Ava Groth
  93. Avery Pryce
  94. Ayesha Hassan
  95. B. K. Bolen
  96. B. P. Garcia
  97. B.C. Ong
  98. Barbara Eustace
  99. Barnaby Page
  100. Barry Rhodes
  101. Barry Smith
  102. Bart Elbey
  103. Bec Lewis
  104. Becky Benishek
  105. Bekk Escott
  106. Benjamin Noel
  107. Bernard Hicks
  108. Bernard Muslin
  109. Bert Velthuis
  110. Beth Greenwood
  111. Beth Kander
  112. Betty Hattersley
  113. Betty J Burton
  114. Blake Holcomb
  115. Blerina Kapllani
  116. Boaksey
  117. Brett Elliott-Palmer
  118. Brian Johnstone
  119. Brian Mackinney
  120. Brianna Damplo
  121. Bridget Blankley
  122. Bridget Scrannage
  123. Bridget Yates
  124. Brinkinfield
  125. Brittany Holmes
  126. Bruce Millar
  127. Bruce Wyness
  128. Bryan Keefe
  129. Byron Coulson
  130. C. H. Connor
  131. C.R. Berry
  132. Caiden Lang
  133. Caleb Jansen
  134. Cameron Crebs
  135. Campbell Hinshelwood
  136. Carl Palmer
  137. Carla Vlad
  138. Caroline Cowan
  139. Caroline Wright
  140. Carolyn Roden
  141. Carolyn Ward
  142. Carrie Hewlett
  143. Cath Allwood
  144. Catherine Broxton
  145. Catherine Cade
  146. Catherine Harkness
  147. Cathi Radner
  148. Catrin Rutland
  149. CB McCall
  150. Ceris Brewis
  151. Charles Bonkowsky
  152. Charles K Manila
  153. Charles Lee
  154. Charles Murphy
  155. Charles Osborne
  156. Charlie Taylor
  157. Charlie Turner
  158. Charlotte Ella Read
  159. Charlotte Farrell-Banks
  160. Charlotte Ward
  161. Charlotte West
  162. Cheah Yin Mee
  163. Cheryl Buck
  164. Chip Jett
  165. Chloe Frost
  166. Chloe Nkomo
  167. Chloe Testa
  168. Chris Black
  169. Chris Cantor
  170. Chris Espenshade
  171. Chris Green
  172. Chris McLoughlin
  173. Chris Pritchard
  174. Chris Tattersall
  175. Christian Andrei Nuez Laplap
  176. Christian Obaitan
  177. Christianna Sahadeo
  178. Christina Burton
  179. Christina M. Y. Chow
  180. Christine Bukania
  181. Christine Hursell
  182. Christine Kingshott
  183. Christine O'Donnell
  184. Christine Reeves
  185. Christine Tapper
  186. Christopher Fielden
  187. Christopher Searle
  188. CJ Nicol
  189. CJ Wigg
  190. CL Wearne
  191. Claire Allinson
  192. Claire Apps
  193. Claire Gagnon
  194. Claire Gee
  195. Claire Lee
  196. Claire SchΓΆn
  197. Claire Taylor
  198. Claire Temple
  199. Clara Baird
  200. Clare Owen
  201. Clare Tivey
  202. Clarrie Rose
  203. Cleiton Pinho
  204. Colette Kriel
  205. Colleen Hue
  206. CompletelyBoofyBlitzed
  207. Constance Bourg
  208. Crilly O'Neil
  209. Cristina Bresser
  210. Cynthia Akagi
  211. Dan McConnell
  212. Daniel L. Link
  213. Daniel McClaskey
  214. Danielle Linsey
  215. Danny Macks
  216. Darci-Leigh Robinson-Askew
  217. Darren Hackett
  218. Dave Firth
  219. David Batteiger
  220. David Brewis
  221. David Conway
  222. David Don
  223. David Guilfoyle
  224. David Heaton
  225. David John Griffin
  226. David Lowis
  227. David McTigue
  228. David Rhymes
  229. David S Mitchell
  230. David Silver
  231. David Turton
  232. David Vargas Alfonso
  233. David Viner
  234. David Wright
  235. Dean Hollands
  236. Debaprasad Mukherjee
  237. Debbie Rolls
  238. Debbie Singh
  239. Deborah Wroe
  240. Dee La Vardera
  241. Dee Tilsley
  242. Denis Joseph
  243. Denise Senecal
  244. Derek McMillan
  245. Devin Greene
  246. Devon Goodchild
  247. Dez T.
  248. Diana Senechal
  249. Diane de Anda
  250. Diane Harding
  251. Dianne D. Pingalo
  252. Dimiana Wassef
  253. Dinesh Shihantha De Silva
  254. Dionne Burton
  255. Diontae Jaegli
  256. Don Bartlome
  257. Don Marler
  258. Dorothy Francis
  259. Doug Forrest
  260. Doug Hawley
  261. Douglas J. Shearer
  262. Dr. Sriharsha Sripathi
  263. DT Langdale
  264. Duane L. Herrmann
  265. E. F. S. Byrne
  266. Edmund Piper
  267. Edward Mortenson
  268. Edward Rouse
  269. Edwin Stern
  270. Eileen Baldwin
  271. Elaine Carlyle
  272. Eleanor Dickenson
  273. Elena Zhuang
  274. Elizabeth Lamb
  275. Elizabeth Stanley
  276. Ella Cass
  277. Ella Wilson
  278. Elliot Cambrey
  279. Em Daurio
  280. Emily K Martin
  281. Emily Knight
  282. Emma Burnett
  283. Emma Nokes
  284. Emma Robertson
  285. Emma Stammeyer
  286. Emma Wilson
  287. Erin Hardman
  288. Esosa Kolawole
  289. Evelyn Hawke
  290. Everest Pen
  291. Evie Nicol
  292. Ezeh Michael Ogonna
  293. Fabio Crispim
  294. Farzaneh Hajirasouliha
  295. Fay Franklin
  296. Fee Johnstone
  297. Felix Castrillon
  298. Femi S. Craigwell
  299. Finlay Thomas Tweedie
  300. Fiona Aitken
  301. Fiona Campbell
  302. Fiona Flower
  303. Fliss Zakaszewska
  304. Franca Basta
  305. Frances Tate
  306. Francesca Pappadogiannis
  307. Francisca Staines
  308. Frank Daurio
  309. Frank Havemann
  310. Frank Hubeny
  311. Frank Radcliffe
  312. G. Gaurav
  313. Gail Everett
  314. Gary Couzens
  315. Gary McGrath
  316. Gavin Biddlecombe
  317. Gemma Bevan
  318. Gemma Martiskainen
  319. Geoff Freedman
  320. Geoff Holme
  321. George Cornilă
  322. Gillian M Seed
  323. Gillian Macleod
  324. Ginger Marcinkowski
  325. Gitanjali Escobar Travieso
  326. Glen Donaldson
  327. Glo Curl
  328. Gloria Ames
  329. Glynis Ann Downey
  330. Gordon Williams
  331. Gowravy Ravanan
  332. Grace Turner-Higgins
  333. Grannd Kane
  334. Grant McKain
  335. Grant O'Townson
  336. Gwyneth Williams
  337. Gwynne Weir
  338. Hajra Saeed
  339. Haley M. Hwang
  340. Hannah Brown
  341. Hannah Cole
  342. Harley Logan Thompson
  343. Harriet Payne
  344. Hazel Turner
  345. Heather Haigh
  346. Heather Stuart Primbs
  347. Heidi Lobecker
  348. Heidi Vanlandingham
  349. Helen Aitchison
  350. Helen Combe
  351. Helen Matthews
  352. Helen Merrick
  353. HervΓ© Suys
  354. Hilary Taylor
  355. Holly Garcia
  356. Holly Webster
  357. Huguette Van Akkeren
  358. Hullabaloo22
  359. Ian Andrew
  360. Ian Buzard
  361. Ian James Stewart
  362. Ian Tucker
  363. Ibukun Keyamo
  364. Imogen Argent
  365. IR Belletti
  366. Irene Banfield
  367. Iris & Phil Hatchard
  368. Irving Benjamin
  369. Isabel Flynn
  370. Isabella Rae Wharton-McLellan
  371. Iuliana Khadyxa Filisanu
  372. Ivan Richardson
  373. Ixai Salvo
  374. J. L. Harland
  375. J. Rosina Harlow
  376. J.S Taols
  377. Jace Henderson
  378. Jacek Wilkos
  379. Jack Dabell
  380. Jack Dudley
  381. Jack Hanlon
  382. Jack Purkis
  383. Jackie Batteiger
  384. Jackie Hindmarsh
  385. Jacky Ellis
  386. Jade Swann
  387. Jaimen Shires
  388. Jaine Irish
  389. Jake Cosmos Aller
  390. James Braun
  391. James Byrne
  392. James Colfox
  393. James Crerar
  394. James Hornby
  395. James Louis Peel
  396. James Northern
  397. James Pemberton
  398. James Sanders
  399. James Smart
  400. Jamie Graham
  401. Jamie Welch
  402. Jan Brown
  403. Jan Courtney
  404. Jane Fell
  405. Jane Imrie
  406. Jane Sleight
  407. Janet L Davies
  408. Janet Lister
  409. Jasmine Hunt
  410. Jasmine Lee
  411. Jasmine Tan Chin Chwee
  412. Jason B
  413. Jason Barbo
  414. Jay Bee
  415. Jayanta Bhaumik
  416. Jaycee Durand
  417. Jayne Morgan
  418. Jaz Leigh
  419. Jeff Kemp
  420. Jeffrey H. Toney
  421. Jeni Lawes
  422. Jennifer Hankin
  423. Jennifer P. L. Leong
  424. Jennifer Riddalls
  425. Jenny Butler
  426. Jenny Drury
  427. Jenny Simmons
  428. Jerome Parsons
  429. Jerry Wilson
  430. Jessica Bowden
  431. Jessica Everitt
  432. Jessica Joy
  433. Jessica Kirby
  434. Jessica Richard
  435. Jessica Turnbull
  436. Jill Lang
  437. Jimmy Doom
  438. Jo Howarth
  439. Joan C. Hobart
  440. Joanna Ball
  441. Jocelyn Wong
  442. Jodi Nicholls
  443. Jodi Novak
  444. Joe Bailey
  445. Joe Brothers
  446. Joe McMullen
  447. Johanna McDonald
  448. Johannah Lipscher Simon
  449. John Bevan
  450. John Cooper
  451. John D Lary
  452. John Hannan
  453. John Holland
  454. John Holmes
  455. John James Morris
  456. John L Bell
  457. John Lane
  458. John Mark Miller
  459. John Notley
  460. John Rivers
  461. John Robertson
  462. John S Alty
  463. John Vandore
  464. Jon Drake
  465. Jon Spencer
  466. Jonathan Fryer
  467. Jonathan Hastings
  468. Jonathan Hunter
  469. Jonathan Inglesfield
  470. Jonathan Martindale
  471. Jonathan Pacheco
  472. Jordan B. Jolley
  473. Jordan Bahnub
  474. Jordis Fasheh
  475. Jose Luis Torres
  476. Joseph Lancaster
  477. Joseph Mould
  478. Josephine Queen
  479. Josh Joseph Dixon
  480. Josh Leeson
  481. Josie Gowler
  482. Joy Thomas
  483. Joyce Bingham
  484. Joyce Walker
  485. JS Cline
  486. Judi Edwards
  487. Judy Reeves
  488. Julia Graves
  489. Julia O'Dowd
  490. Julia T. Spano
  491. Julia Wood
  492. Julie Goodswen
  493. Julie Howard
  494. Julie Mayger
  495. Julie Stone
  496. Justine Quammie
  497. Justyce Solomon
  498. K. J. Watson
  499. Kaelin Lee
  500. Kailin Guo
  501. Kaitlin Ellis
  502. Karen Bevan
  503. Karen McClure
  504. Karen McDermott
  505. Karen Rust
  506. Karen Waldron
  507. Karen Walker
  508. Karen Western
  509. Kate Hamilton
  510. Kate Leimer
  511. Kate Miller
  512. Katerina Hellam
  513. Katherine Kogoy
  514. Kathleen E Williams
  515. Kathleen Hearnshaw
  516. Kathleen Keenan
  517. Kathryn Dixon
  518. Kathryn Evans
  519. Kathryn J Barrow
  520. Kathryn Joyce
  521. Kathryn Smith
  522. Katie Chapman
  523. Katie Labbe
  524. Katie Pepper
  525. Katie Singer
  526. Katy Clayton
  527. Kavitha Yarlagadda
  528. Kay Sandry
  529. Keian Murray
  530. Keith Pearson-Sandelands
  531. Kelly Van Nelson
  532. Kelsey Gallo
  533. Kelsey Juean Irving
  534. Kennedy Meechan
  535. Kenneth Cahall
  536. Kent Raddatz
  537. Kerry Robinson
  538. Khamis Kabeu
  539. Kim Hart
  540. Kim Montgomery
  541. Kim Steindel
  542. Kim Witbeck
  543. Kimana McCallum
  544. Kimberly Owen
  545. Kira Inglis
  546. Kirk I. Holden
  547. Kitty Litteur
  548. Klaus Gehling
  549. KM Arhel
  550. Kolade Ajila
  551. Kudakwashe Chirapa
  552. Kwame M.A. McPherson
  553. Kylan Fedje
  554. L J King
  555. L J McQueen
  556. L. A. Cunningham
  557. L.E. Daurio
  558. Laila Miller
  559. Laura Besley
  560. Laura Day
  561. Laura Foakes
  562. Lauren J. Phillips
  563. Lauren M Foster
  564. Lauren Raybould
  565. Laurie Hicks
  566. Layla Ahmed
  567. Layla Calarco
  568. Layla Rogers
  569. Lee Foley
  570. Lee Holland
  571. Lee Kull
  572. Leigh Hastings
  573. Len Saculla
  574. Lena MacDonald
  575. Lesley Anne Truchet
  576. Levi Earl
  577. Lewis Ayers
  578. Lexikon
  579. Liam Hogan
  580. Liam Lawer
  581. Liam Rayner
  582. Libby Batteiger
  583. Lidia Giusa
  584. Lim Swee Kim
  585. Linda Foy
  586. Linda Hibbin
  587. Linda Jones
  588. Linda Lewis
  589. Linda Scogings
  590. Linda Smith
  591. Linda Taylor
  592. Lindsey Esplin
  593. Lindy Gibbon
  594. Linn Kier
  595. Lisa Miller
  596. Lisa Reynolds
  597. Lisa Stone
  598. Livia Furia
  599. Liz Berg
  600. Liz Howard
  601. Liz Krogman
  602. Lorna Dougan
  603. Lorna Stewart
  604. Lorraine Smith
  605. Louise Burgess
  606. Louise Furre
  607. Louise Goulding
  608. Louise Snape
  609. Lucinda Thelwell
  610. Lucy Camilla
  611. Lucy Lucy
  612. Lucy Morrice
  613. Lumen Ros
  614. Lydia Collins
  615. Lyndsay Lomax
  616. Lynn Gale
  617. Lynn Morcombe
  618. Lynn White
  619. Lynn Zeleski
  620. Lynne Arnot
  621. Lynne Chitty
  622. Lynsey Calvert
  623. M Anthony David
  624. Madamraj Mrinalini
  625. Maddy Hamley
  626. Madeleine McCabe
  627. Madeleine McDonald
  628. Madeline Green
  629. Madiana Dethan
  630. Madison Pickering
  631. Maggie Elliott
  632. Mahek Khwaja
  633. Mairead Robinson
  634. Majella Pinto
  635. Malcolm Richardson
  636. Manda Riehl
  637. Mandy Raywood
  638. Mandy Whyman
  639. Marci Girton
  640. Marco Cardoni
  641. Margaret Bell
  642. Margaret Davis
  643. Margee Unger
  644. Maria Carvalho
  645. Maria DePaul
  646. Maria Noble
  647. Mariam Bibi
  648. Mariam Mansuryan
  649. Marie Arbon
  650. Marie McGinn
  651. Marieta Maglas
  652. Marilyn Rucker
  653. Mark Burke
  654. Mark J Towers
  655. Mark Johnson
  656. Mark Pritchard
  657. Mark Stocker
  658. Marsha K. Hanson
  659. Martin Strike
  660. Mary Daurio
  661. Mary Dharsi
  662. Mary Papageorgiou
  663. Mary Prior
  664. Mason Bell
  665. Matilda Pinto
  666. Matthew Bines
  667. Matthew Dawson
  668. Matthew Galic
  669. Matthew Gooch
  670. Matthew J Morine
  671. Matthew Kerns
  672. Matthew Willis
  673. Max Dobb
  674. Maxine Smith
  675. Maxx Dominic
  676. Maya Barnett
  677. Mckenzie Tompson
  678. Medeia Sharif
  679. Meg Gain
  680. Meghan O'Brien
  681. Mehak Vijay Chawla
  682. Melanie Goodell
  683. Melissa Odom
  684. Melody Bowers
  685. Meredith Argent
  686. MF Mika
  687. Mhairi Bakertzi
  688. Michael E James
  689. Michael Farmer
  690. Michael Hardy
  691. Michael J. Labbe
  692. Michael J. Lowis
  693. Michael Lane
  694. Michael Mclaughlin
  695. Michael Rumsey
  696. Michael Swift
  697. Michael Ward
  698. Michaela Mechura
  699. Michele Kelly
  700. Michele Witthaus
  701. Michelle Compton
  702. Michelle Cook
  703. Michelle Konov
  704. Michelle Weaver
  705. Micky Rowe
  706. Mike Blakemore
  707. Mike Scott Thomson
  708. Miriam Hurdle
  709. Misa Hennin
  710. Mohamed Atta Amer
  711. Mohit Dass
  712. Muriel Garvis
  713. Murodova Marjona
  714. Myron Dunavan
  715. N. J. Spencer
  716. N.B. Craven
  717. Nam Raj Khatri
  718. Natalia Wojcik-Smith
  719. Natalie Marshall
  720. Natalie Wu
  721. Natasha Ali
  722. Natasha Nagle
  723. Nathaniel David Knox
  724. Neil Brooks
  725. Neil D Cross
  726. Neil Davie
  727. Neil Goodwin
  728. Neil Phillips
  729. Neil Renton
  730. Niamh Burke
  731. Nick Fairclough
  732. Nicole Loh
  733. Niina Olenbluu
  734. Nikki Butcher
  735. Nili Roberts
  736. Noel Alcoba
  737. Norm Veasman
  738. NT Franklin
  739. Nurholis
  740. Oghogho Odiase
  741. Olatz Irigarai
  742. Oliver Lynton
  743. Olivia Ackers
  744. Olivia Magnuson
  745. Olivia-Ann Saxton
  746. Olusanya Anjorin
  747. Oort Kuiper
  748. Oriel Dobb
  749. Oscar Kenway
  750. Γ–zge GΓΆztΓΌrk
  751. Paige Murray
  752. Pam Jackson
  753. Pam Knapp
  754. Pamela Hibbert
  755. Pamela Pope
  756. Pappo Nindo
  757. Parzival Sattva
  758. Pat Hough
  759. Patricia Mudge
  760. Patricia Tarrant Brown
  761. Patrick Antonio
  762. Patrick Christian
  763. Patrick Moorhouse
  764. Patrick ten Brink
  765. Paul Mastaglio
  766. Paul Phillips
  767. Paul Rhodes
  768. Paul Shaw
  769. Paula Lacey
  770. Paulette Pierre
  771. Peggy Gerber
  772. Penelope Henry
  773. Pete Armstrong
  774. Peter Gregory & David Gough
  775. Peter J. Corbally
  776. Peter Loftus
  777. Peter Stanton
  778. Phil Maud
  779. Phil Thomas
  780. Philip Charter
  781. Phoebe Tatham
  782. PJ Stephenson
  783. Prajith Menon
  784. Prisha Gupta
  785. R. J. Kinnarney
  786. R.A. Krueger
  787. R.J. Saxon
  788. Rachael Hinshaw
  789. Rachel Smith
  790. Rachel Wood
  791. Rafe Bellers
  792. Rajagopal Kaimal
  793. Ray Sarlin
  794. Raymond E. Strawn III
  795. Raymond Sloan
  796. Rebecca Capel
  797. Rebecca Hubbard
  798. Rebecca Krohman
  799. Rebeccah Yeadon
  800. Reed Markham
  801. Reha TanΓΆr
  802. Renate Schiansky
  803. Rene Astle
  804. Rex Charger
  805. Richard Anthony Morris
  806. Richard Freeman
  807. Richard H. Argent
  808. Richard Stanley
  809. Richard Swaine
  810. Ripunjoy Borgohain
  811. RJS Cantwell
  812. RK
  813. RL Comstock
  814. Rob Bray
  815. Rob Vogt
  816. Robbie Brown
  817. Robbie Porter
  818. Robert Adams
  819. Robert Alan Ryder
  820. Robert Brewis
  821. Robert Kombol
  822. Robert Tucker
  823. Robert Wood
  824. Roberta Scafidi
  825. Roger Newton
  826. Roger West
  827. Rohana Chomick
  828. Ron Smith
  829. Ronald Hall
  830. Ros Byrne
  831. Ros Masterson
  832. Rosalind Adam
  833. Rosalind Newton
  834. Rose Farris
  835. Roshna Rusiniya
  836. Rosie Arcane
  837. Rosie Cullen
  838. Ross Lowe
  839. Rowan Lewis
  840. Roz Levens
  841. Rudy S. Uribe Jr.
  842. Rui Soares
  843. Rupert Payne
  844. Ruth Pedley
  845. Ryan Fell
  846. Ryu Ando
  847. S Thomson-Hillis
  848. S. M. Chiles
  849. S. Rupsha Mitra
  850. S. W. Hardy
  851. S.B. Borgersen
  852. S.E. Taylor
  853. Sachin Prakash
  854. Sagar Jadhav
  855. Sai Muthukumar
  856. Sally Skeptic
  857. Sam Freer
  858. Sam May
  859. Samantha Gentzel
  860. Samantha Gunton
  861. Sandee Lee
  862. Sandra 'Chas' Hines
  863. Sandra Orellana
  864. Sandra Purdy
  865. Sarah Ann Hall
  866. Sarah Brown
  867. Sarah Burrett
  868. Sarah Charmley
  869. Sarah Engeham
  870. Sarah Everett
  871. Sarah Fletcher
  872. Sarah Hoad
  873. Sarah Jae Walsh
  874. Sarah Littleton
  875. Sarah Mosedale
  876. Sarah Stansfield
  877. Sarah Stephenson
  878. Saras Ojha
  879. Sarthak Das
  880. Saskia Ashby
  881. Scott Parent
  882. Sean Bain
  883. Sean Tobias May
  884. Sebastian Cowen
  885. Seth Turner-Higgins
  886. Shahnaz Ali
  887. Shannon J Alger
  888. Sharon Pinner
  889. Shaun Clarke
  890. Shauna Elizabeth Murray
  891. Sheannah Guillemette
  892. Sheila Rosart
  893. Shelly Teems
  894. Shirley Muir
  895. Shobha Wilson
  896. Sidonie Baylis
  897. Siegfried E Finser
  898. Sihaam Osman
  899. Silver Morris
  900. Simone Wallace
  901. Sivan Pillai
  902. Skylar Kim
  903. Smritirekha Talukdar
  904. Sophia Manubay
  905. Sophie Henson
  906. Sophie Scriven
  907. Sreedevi Ganti Mahapatra
  908. Stefan Dimitrov
  909. Stephanie Ngoei
  910. Stephanie Potts
  911. Stephen P. Thompson
  912. Stephie Simpson
  913. Steve Lodge
  914. Steven Barrett
  915. Stuart Atkinson
  916. Sue Johnson
  917. Sue Moos
  918. Sue Partridge
  919. Sue Vincent
  920. Sunshine Tibod
  921. Susan Howarth
  922. Susan Wickham
  923. Susanne Berger
  924. Susi J Smith
  925. Susie Frame
  926. Swi Neo Mary Yap
  927. Sydney Clarence
  928. Sylvia Ketchum
  929. Syreeta Muir
  930. T. Luxton
  931. T. W. Garland
  932. T.L. Shenkin
  933. T.N.M. Sheppard
  934. Tamires Cunha
  935. Tamsin Partington
  936. Tanya Butler
  937. Tanya Hill
  938. Tanya Johnson
  939. Tarquin Calver
  940. Taye Carrol
  941. Taylor Elliott
  942. Taylor Moore
  943. Ted Bragg
  944. Tess M Shepherd
  945. Tessa Elliott
  946. Thatchayani Ravanan
  947. Thomas Belmar
  948. Thomas James Busby
  949. Thomas O'Mara
  950. TiarnΓ‘n Murphy
  951. Tiffany Williams
  952. Tim Gomersall
  953. Tim Warren
  954. Tom Bullimore
  955. Tom Gaunt
  956. Toni G.
  957. Toni Peers
  958. Tonia Nem
  959. Tony Lawrence
  960. Tony Mooney
  961. Tony Thatcher
  962. Tony Tremblett
  963. Tracey Maitland
  964. TS Lanchbery
  965. Ty Hall
  966. Umme Ammarah
  967. Val Chapman
  968. Valerie Fish
  969. Valerie Griffin
  970. Valerie J Shay
  971. Veena Rah
  972. Veronica Crerar
  973. Vesper Wunderlin
  974. Vichar Lochan
  975. Vicki Murray
  976. Vicki Sinclair
  977. Vicky Garlick
  978. Victoria Gaylor
  979. Violet James
  980. Vishnu Nandan
  981. Vivian Oldaker
  982. Vivienne O'Boyle
  983. W. E. Jones
  984. W. G. Miller
  985. Waltraud Pospischil
  986. Wanda Wright
  987. Wayne B. Chorney
  988. Wayne Hewitt
  989. Wendy Christopher
  990. Wendy Fletcher
  991. Wendy Roe
  992. William Telford
  993. Wright Stone
  994. Wyatt Payne
  995. Yabo Anderson
  996. Yelena Kart
  997. Yvonne Clarke
  998. Yvonne Mastaglio
  999. Zoe J Walker
  1000. Zoey Rowan

Other Books

Book of the Bloodless V1: Alternative Afterlives

Adverbially Challenged Volume 5

How to Write a Short Story

To Hull And Back Anthology 2023



Christopher Fielden Est 2011

This website was established in 2011. In 2024, it was redesigned. Between 2011 and 2024, thousands of people commented on the site. I’d like to thank every person for their engagement – it’s greatly appreciated.

When the site was rebuilt, transferring comments comprising hundreds of thousands of words was not feasible on most pages. The 81 Words Flash Fiction Anthology page comments are an exception and they appear below. New comments are welcome. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ask questions.

Vivian O
This is great news. Really looking forward to reading the book later this year.

Chris Fielden
Thanks Vivian πŸ™‚

Jayanta B
Dearest Chris. Hi, I hope this mail finds you absolutely fine!

I cannot thank you enough - I feel so extremely humbled and happy to have received this mail of yours. I am so excited to have come to know of the long-awaited anthology to appear published around November this year. Now, are you going to send all the contributor's a copy? I am asking this because I am ready to purchase my copy, too, if needed. I would be highly appreciative and obliged if you could let me know... Your kind reply is awaited.

Thank you so very much, Chris, this is fantastic news from you. Please guide me towards what I am required to do for getting my short bio, if at all needed, attached to the piece in the collection.

Thank you for everything, Chris. Take all care, all my love and my wishes and prayers for you.

My best regards, Jayanta (my serial no. 415)

Chris Fielden
Hi Jayanta. Thank you for your kind message. It's great to hear the book means so much to you.

I'm afraid we won't be able to give free copies of the book to contributing authors. All the writing challenge projects on my website are run in support of charity and do not make any money. If we gave everyone a free copy, the project would run at a large loss and I just can't afford to cover it I'm afraid. A huge amount of work has gone into the preparation of this book and everyone involved has given their time for free. That is the only way this book could exist. Sorry if that news is disappointing, but I hope you understand my reasons.

Author biographies will appear in the book alongside each writer's story. We have used the biography supplied when each story was submitted, so no problem there.

If you have any other questions, please do let me know. All the best, and thank you for your continued support - it means a great deal to me πŸ™‚

Jayanta B
Hi Chris, thanks a ton for your kind, fast reply.

No, I am not at all disappointed, even a bit. I can completely understand the hugeness, the humongous task undertaken for this anthology. Yes, it is certainly not possible to send a free copy to each of 1,000 contributors and I am absolutely fine with buying my copy. I even want to do so for that would be my humble, sincere attempt to remain associated with this massive project. For us all, it shows a unique solidarity made for a greater writing legacy, or rather a writers' family as a whole. The spirit is so vibrant. I feel it, Chris. I will very personally request you to send me the link or payment mode so I can use it to buy my copy once the anthology is online in November.

Thanks with no end, with all my love and best regards for you. Stay safe, Chris. Wishes and prayers, Jayanta.

Chris Fielden
Thank you for your kind reply, Jayanta – it’s very much appreciated.

I will be sending links to all the contributing authors when the book is published so they can buy copies if they wish to, so no problem there.

Stay safe, my friend. All the best. Cheers, Chris

Kathryn S
Hi Chris. Thank you so much. Really looking forward to buying the book so I can read all the stories and support a great cause. I'm sure my little story will be in good company.

Chris Fielden
No problem, thank you Kathryn - very much appreciated. Your story is in fantastic πŸ™‚

Rex C
Wow! This is a splendid effort, Chris. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to write for your book. It means a lot to see our hard work in print. I'm looking forward to buying a copy as soon as its out. Thank you once again.

Chris Fielden
No problem at all, thanks Rex πŸ™‚

All the best to you.

Sandra P
Fantastic news Chris! Many thanks for your perseverance with this project - already ordered it. Cheers mate!

Chris Fielden
No problem, Sandra.

And thank you for ordering the book - very much appreciated πŸ™‚

Chris B
Thanks Chris, look forward to making my purchase and spreading the word and perhaps be chosen as on of the readers on Zoom night.

Chris Fielden
Thanks Chris, much appreciated. If you want to attend and read at the book launch, please confirm by email. There are a lot of people attending and reading so I need a confirmation to stay on top of it all please. Many thanks πŸ™‚

Sandra P
Oh fantastic, the book has arrived this morning. It's really cool - great layout, weighs a ton and the cover is beautiful! Brilliant seeing my story amongst the other 999. Well done to all of us!

Chris Fielden
Brilliant, thank you Sandra - really glad to hear you're pleased with the book πŸ™‚

Vivian O
Hi Chris. I wanted to order 3 copies of this and thought I'd buy it from Victoria Press rather than Mr Bezos. But unfortunately, when it came to checking out, Victoria Press were going to charge over Β£15 (medium parcel) for postage. I'm afraid Amazon won on this occasion with free delivery. Many thanks for all you do to promote writers and writing. I'm really looking forward to reading all the stories.

Very best wishes for 2022.

Chris Fielden
Hi Vivian. That's great, thank you for buying copies of the book Vivian - it's very much appreciated.

The books are large and heavy, hence the postage cost. I've sent a few to friends and it does cost a lot. Unfortunately, small presses (and indie bookshops) just can't compete with Amazon, especially when it comes to delivery prices. It's one of the reasons they are disliked by many involved in the writing community - they contribute to putting small presses and book shops out of business. That said, Amazon also do an awful lot for authors via their KDP platform, so I tend to be supportive of them for that reason. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to sell anything like as many books or raise as much money for charity.

Anyway. Thank you for your comment and raising this issue. It's good to make everyone aware of both sides of the story.

All the very best to you, and happy New Year πŸ™‚

Vivian O
Hi Chris. My three copies of the book arrived yesterday - I could hardly lift them πŸ™‚ What a fantastic and diverse collection! Once again, many thanks for doing this and thank you for including my story number 151 FATAL CAUTION.

Chris Fielden
Brilliant news, thank you Vivian. The book is fairly humongous... reading it is a healthy workout LOL.

And thank you for your kind words too πŸ™‚

Grannd K
Hey, I've tried looking for the WRA entry as the link provided in the email led to a 404 page, but I'm seeing zilch on the site. Forgive me my scepticism but is there any actual proof on the site itself?

Chris Fielden
Hi Grannd, thanks for your message.

Unfortunately, the World Record Academy archived the listing about an hour after I sent the email out to all the contributing authors. WRA asked me and Victorina Press for money to maintain the listing. We have explained this is a charity project many times during our correspondence with them and that we have no marketing budget, but they have not put the page back on their website. It’s a real shame - I just hope they have a change of heart. If they don't, I'll consider removing the mention of the record from this page.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Chris Fielden
Further to my previous comment, I have now updated the wording regarding the WRA on the page above.

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