Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2, the second book in the Nonsensically Challenged Series of flash fiction anthologies. The book contains 100 nonsensical stories from 100 authors who submitted their work to Lesley’s Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge.

"For writers of all types. It takes you to very silly places, some new places and even some old places. For a very good cause why wouldn't you try this book out? Well done to Christopher Fielden and everyone involved. From someone who wanted to have some work published before her son went to primary school I can proudly say I have achieved my dream. Give to Daisy Garland and help others out in this very truly wonderful and amazing book."
Tanya Butler, Amazon customer

I'm proud to present Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2, the second book in the Nonsensically Challenged Series.

The book was officially launched on Saturday 28th April 2018 and contains 100 nonsense-encumbered flash-fiction stories, written by 100 authors who submitted their stories to Lesley's Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge.

Lesley’s Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge was launched in November 2016. We received our 100th submission at the beginning of March 2017. Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1 was released in June 2017.

We received our 200th story in February 2018. This book was released in April 2018.
At the time of writing, we’ve already received a plethora of stories for the third anthology.

Where to Buy Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 is available from Amazon in print and Kindle eBook formats.

Proceeds from book sales will be donated to The Daisy Garland, a charity that works exclusively for children with drug-resistant epilepsy; there are 18,000 in the UK who suffer from this life-shortening illness. You can learn more in the 'about the anthology' section below.

Kindle Copies of the Anthology

Buy Kindle eBook copies of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 on Amazon here:

The book can be found on all of Amazon's websites. You can find it by searching for the book by name or searching for the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):


You don't have to own a Kindle to read a Kindle-eBook version of the anthology. You can download a free Kindle app that works on most devices from Amazon's website.

Printed Copies of the Anthology

You can purchase printed paperback copies of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 on Amazon here:

The ISBNs of the book are:

  • ISBN: 1986418006
  • ISBN-13: 978-1986418003

About Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 contains 100 nonsensically-overloaded stories submitted to Lesley's Nifty Nib-Nibbling Nonsensical Narrative Writing Challenge.

The challenge was conceived by Lesley Anne Truchet. In 2017, I stayed with Lesley at her home in France while I was judging the To Hull And Back competition. The peace and solitude of the area she lives in meant I could concentrate on reading and complete the judging in good time. She's a LEGEND.

Lesley Truchet, Chris Fielden and Kathryn Watson

Lesley Truchet, Chris Fielden and Kathryn Watson (Daisy’s aunt)

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 was released on the same day as Tritely Challenged Volume 1. These books are the 6th and 7th anthologies released via the writing challenges.

The Writers In The Anthology

All the writers in Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 submitted their stories to Lesley's Nonsense Challenge which is one of the many writing challenges run on my website.

The 100 authors of the 100 stories contained in the anthology are:

Abhi Shan, Abigail Rowe, Alan Pattison, Aleksandra Petrovic, Alice Little, Alicia Sledge, Allen Ashley, Ally Howie, Angela P Googh, Anita Bowden, Antony Lazarus, Betty Hattersley, Braid Anderson, Bridget Scrannage, Bryan Keefe, Chris Brawn, Christine Tapper, Christopher Fielden, Claire Apps, Cleary Mallard, Cloe Ofori, Colin Heaney, David Nilsson, David Pitts, David Silver, David Wright, Dee Tilsley, Elaine Choy, Eleanor Klein, Etheray, F. DeStefano, Franca Basta, Frank Hubeny, Gary Amaro, Gary McGrath, Gavin Biddlecombe, George Kelly, George Prior, Helen Perry, Ishmael Dube, Jack Hanlon, Jacob Kyte, Jade Swann, Jason Primmer, Jeanette Everson, Jerome Heath, Jessica Reid, John Notley, Jonathan Martindale, Jonathan Ochser, Judy Dykstra-Brown, Julie Stone, Kathryn Evans, Kim Montgomery, Klaus Gehling, Kristie Claxton, Larry Lefkowitz, Layne Houck, Lesley Anne Truchet, Liam Arnull, Lizzie Merrill, Louis Cennamo, Louise Craig, Lucy M, Lynn-Marie Harper, Maddy Hamley, Malcolm Richardson, Marco Carshaw, Martin Strike, Mary Walker, Melissa Steffy, Michael Pickard, Michael Rumsey, Mike Scott Thomson, Munib Haroon, Neil Driscoll, Nick Nelson, Nicomedes Philopator, Paddy Placename, Paul Shaw, Pauline Robinson, Petra Jedlickova, Prajith Menon, Rene Astle, Robbie Porter, Rose Cheung, Sam Nichols, Sandra Orellana, Scarlett Fielden, Simon Russell, Soraya Dhanani, Soulla Katsiani, Stan Riley, Steve Lodge, Stuart Atkinson, Tamara Miles, Tanya Butler, Tim Jones, TS Lanchbery and Will Hartley.

I'd like to say a big, "Thank you," to each of the authors. Without their generosity, this anthology wouldn't exist.

How Book Sales Support Charity

For every book sold, £1 will be donated to The Daisy Garland, a leading charity providing funding for Ketogenic dietitians and grants for night-time breathing and SATs monitors, keeping children safe while they sleep and reducing the risk of SUDEP.

The Daisy Garland charity logo

You can learn about The Daisy Garland on their what we do page.

You can find details of how much money has been raised via all of the writing challenges on the main writing challenges page.

Future Anthologies

If you'd like to submit a story to the nonsense writing challenge, you can do so here. Every story is published. Each time we receive 100 stories, we publish a book.

Book Launch Party

The book launch party took place on Sunday 10th June 2018 at The Colonel Fawcett (upstairs function room), 1 Randolph Street, Camden, London, NW1 0SS, UK from 12.30pm to 4pm.

Mel Ciavucco, outside The Colonel Fawcett

Mel Ciavucco, outside The Colonel Fawcett

The event was a triple book launch because we also celebrated the launch of Adverbially Challenged Volume 3 and Tritely Challenged Volume 1. The event was hosted by Allen Ashley, Chris Fielden, Jude Higgins and Mike Scott Thomson.

Mike Scott Thomson, Chris Fielden, Jude Higgins and Allen Ashley

Mike Scott Thomson, Chris Fielden, Jude Higgins and Allen Ashley

There were readings from all of the books, plus readings from all of the writing challenges. The readers were:

Allen Ashley, Ally Howie, Beena Nadeem, Chris Fielden, David Fielden (who read a story by Scarlett Fielden), Jeanne James, John Keogh, Jude Higgins, Lillia Hammond, Louis Cennamo, Lynn-Marie Harper, Malcolm Richardson, Mangal Patel, Margaret Edwards, Mark Fielden, Marion Turner, Mary Fielden (who read a story by Michael Rumsey), Mel Ciavucco, Mike Scott Thomson and Sandra Unerman.

Daisy Garland Goodies

The Daisy Garland Charity Merchandise

For reference, the poster from the event can be seen below.

Triple Book Launch Poster

You can learn more about the launch party, the sales statistics from launch day and see more photos on the main writing challenge book launch page.

Anthology Cover

The cover of Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 was designed by David Fielden.

Dave Fielden and Chris Fielden Kill Bill

Dave and Chris Fielden, going all Kill Bill, to complement the book cover

Yellow is said to be the colour of madness, so Dave thought it suited a nonsensical book. He also thought that the most fantabulous shade of yellow he had ever seen was on the Kill Bill movie poster.

Dave likes to wear yellow jumpsuits and play with sharp weaponry. Hence, he is currently serving time at Her Majesty's pleasure in a secure facility for special people. Thankfully, she still allows him to make the odd book cover and design websites. You can learn more about that here.

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2 full book cover

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 2, Full Book Cover by David Fielden

Other Books

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 1

Book of the Bloodless V1: Alternative Afterlives

Nonsensically Challenged Volume 3

How to Write a Short Story


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